• Registration Information

    If you would like your child to participate in Maxwell High School of Georgia's Pre-K Program, please come to the front desk at Maxwell between 7 AM and 3 PM to pick up a registration packet.  Then, come to our registration event on March 14, 2025, from 9 AM - 12 PM.  All forms must be completed prior to registration.

    Maxwell HS of Technology

    990 McElvaney Ln NW

    Lawrenceville, Ga 30044

    Note: This GCPS campus has 2 schools. Please ensure you are going to Maxwell and not GSMST. Thank you!


    To participate in the Georgia Pre-K Program

    Children must be four years of age on  or before September 1 of the school year and must be a resident of Georgia.  Five-year-old children who have not previously attended the Pre-K program and who have late birthdays or developmental delays that impact their readiness for  school may also enroll at the request of their parents. Proof that a child is age eligible and is a  Georgia resident is required to register for Pre-K. Children are registered at Maxwell High School of Technology during an advertised window of time. 

    All children enrolled in Georgia's Pre-K Program must have hearing, vision, and dental examination certificates (DHR Form 3300) on file within  90 calendar days of program entry. Form 3300 must be signed by a private  practitioner or representative of a local Department of Health. Immunizations (DHR Form 3231) must  be up-to-date or affidavits must be on file within 30 calendar days of program entry.

  • What is considered acceptable documents for proof of age?

    Examples of acceptable proof of age include: Original/certified birth certificate, passport, green card, pink card, or Federal I-94 card and hospital record of live birth. Immunization forms and Medicaid cards are not acceptable documentation for proof of age.

  • What is acceptable documentation for proof-of-residency?

    Examples of proof of residency include: current lease, current vehicle registration form, letter from shelter, letter from employer if employer provides housing, and any utility bill listing the residence as the service address. A cell phone bill or a driver’s license is not acceptable proof of residency.

  • Does my child have  to have a social security card/number to attend?

    No, social security cards/numbers are not required to enroll in Georgia’s Pre-K. However, Bright from the Start requests families provide Social Security Numbers for children attending Pre-K. Bright from the Start uses Social Security Numbers to insure accurate enrollment information, to help prevent fraudulent student attendance reporting, and to obtain a unique 10-digit identifier (GTID) for your child from the Georgia Department of Education. This GTID number will be associated with your child for the remainder of their school years instead of their Social Security Number.

  • Why is the school asking for information about assistance my family receives, like Medicaid and PeachCare?

    Pre-K provider is responsible for determining Category One or Category Two designation after Enrollment. All families should complete the Roster Information form (Appendix D) which should be kept at school for review by the State Pre-K consultant. In addition, the provider should request appropriate documentation of Category One services (such as copies of cards with current dates, current statements, etc.) and maintain documentation in student files. This information must be reported to Bright from the Start on rosters throughout the year.

  • Why is the Pre-K Program asking about my child’s health check?

    Health screenings are necessary for Georgia’s Pre-K students so that any problems that might interfere with the child’s ability to learn can be detected and corrected as soon as possible. All programs ask parents the date of their child’s last health exam and provide a referral if an additional health screening is needed. The school nurse may be contacting some parents about health checks, expired immunizations, hearing exam results and the need for dental care.

  • What is the discipline policy in the Pre-K Program?

    No employee will use any form of corporal punishment (which includes, but is not limited to, paddling, striking, or hitting) as a method of discipline in Georgia’s Pre-K Program.  When discipline is a concern in the classroom, parents will be given assistance in assessing the problems and finding solutions that could include parent conferences, a behavior management plan, observations, assessments or a referral for intervention and/or treatment options. Once a child has enrolled in the Pre-K program, he/she cannot be disenrolled (withdrawn) or suspended unless it is determined that the child is not benefiting from the program. Reasons to disenroll a student include the following: if the student is chronically disruptive, if the student represents a habitual pattern of behavior or repeatedly or substantially interferes with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with the other students in the class; if the student’s behavior interferes with the ability of the other students’ to learn; or if the student is causing harm to himself or to others. Disenrollment is the last step taken after all other attempts to help the child remain in the program or to find a more suitable program have been exhausted.

  • Can  I pick up my child early a few days a week?

    Georgia’s Pre-K Program operates just like a school classroom. Parents commit to sending their child to school for the complete 6.5 hours day, 5 days per week, and 180 days per year. Children can be disenrolled (withdrawn) for being chronically tardy in the morning or being picked up prior to the end of the instructional day.

  • What is “excessive” in regards to the tardy policy?

    Chronic tardiness is defined as late arrival or early departure more than once per week.

  • How can I help the teacher this year?

    The school will provide opportunities for parents to participate in their child’s educational experience. Parents are encouraged to volunteer their time, talents, and experiences in the classroom.  Donate “Real and Found” materials (things around the house) to the classroom. Teachers will send a list of items needed throughout the year.  READ, READ, READ, AND READ.

  • Visit the Georgia Bright from the Start website below

    Bright from the Start Logo