- Pinckneyville MS
- President's Letter
Dear Pinckneyville Middle School Families,
Welcome to Pinckneyville Middle School! The Pinckneyville Parent Teacher Student Association’s (PTSA) goals are to support our school’s teachers & staff throughout the school year and to promote volunteer involvement by enhancing working parent opportunities and encouraging student leadership.
PTSA is very proud to support academic programs, special events, and fundraisers for our students, teachers, parents, and school. We encourage you and your students to support our PTSA in the following ways:
Joining or PTSA through TOTEM
- https://jointotem.com/ga/peachtree-corners/pinckneyville-ms-pta with a membership and student membership.
- Memberships dues are $10 each and provide many benefits and discounts which are listed at GeorgiaPTA.org
Visiting our PTSA webpage on the school website to learn about our committees and upcoming events.
- Donating funds through TOTEM at https://jointotem.com/ga/peachtree-corners/pinckneyville-ms-pta to support your student or the faculty and staff. 100% of your donation stays at Pinckneyville Middle School.
Volunteering your time or providing donated items to the school.
- Sign up to receive emails highlighting these opportunities throughout the year.
Sponsoring our school through your business donation.
- Message us for details at Pinckneyville.Pres@gmail.com
- Reading the weekly e-newsletter sent from the school on Sunday evenings. The newsletter includes school news, important reminders, PTSA messages, ads from our local business donors, etc.
Research has shown that children are more successful when parents are involved - showing higher academic success, higher test scores, and increased attendance. Thank you in advance for sharing your precious time with the PTSA, our school, and your children. We look forward to staying in touch with you throughout the year & be on the lookout for new and creative events that may arise to keep our school active and connected during a time of digital learning.
We encourage each of you to become involved. You can share your time and talents in so many ways to help your child succeed. If we can help answer questions about the PTSA or Pinckneyville Middle School, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Best Regards,
Kelly Belin and Shannon GilmerPinckneyville Middle School PTSA Co-Presidents