• Dear Parents,


    I am so glad that you are here! You will find a variety of resources on this page that will help you help your child be a better reader. However, the best place to get media information is from the weekly newsletter that is sent every Friday. Click the media link for the most updated information!

    It takes a team effort to help your child to be the best reader they can be.  The most important thing you can do to help your child be a successful reader is to make sure your child is reading for 20 minutes every day.  Like anything in life, it takes practice to get better. There are so many great children's books available these days!

    Don't forget to also read aloud to and with your child. Even older children love to hear stories. There is a lot of benefit from listening to stories as well as having your child read stories independently. Children can understand stories that are often too hard to read themselves. When you model reading, it shows your child that you value reading. It also helps your child to hear what reading should sound like. Children also love the bonding time with you too!

    I am here to serve you and your family, so please reach out if you have a specific question. My contact information is on the main landing page as well as at the bottom of this page. We are all on the same team!

    Kristin Bartholomew