Welcome! Click on the blue links below to open and review each document. Thank you!
- By reviewing this document, you acknowledge your receipt and understanding of The Plan/The Promise. Furthermore, by reviewing this document, you also agree to uphold your commitment to this school and family partnership. Follow the blue link below to view the document.
Click this link to view The Plan/The Promise.
- By reviewing this document, you acknowledge your receipt and understanding of the Gwinnett County Public Schools Student and Parent Handbook for Elementary School. You also acknowledge the contents of the handbook, which includes information on attendance, discipline, extracurricular activities, responsible use of technology, and all Annual Notices to parents such as the Parent Right to Know, FERPA, and PPRA, have been reviewed by you and your child. Furthermore, you and your child acknowledge that you understand the rights and responsibilities of a student enrolled in Gwinnett County Public Schools. Lastly, you acknowledge that you have reviewed your child's school website, or obtained a copy from your child's school, the listing of extracurricular activities available to your child. Follow the blue link below to view the document.
Click this link to view the GCPS Handbook.
- By reviewing this document, you acknowledge your receipt and understanding of the extracurricular activities available at your school. You also acknowledge that to prohibit your child from participating in specific extracurricular activities, you must complete and submit this form to your school. Follow the blue link below to view the document.
Click this link to view the Extracurricular Activities Form.
Media Release Opt-Out Form:
As the parent of a student, you may elect to withhold your consent for Gwinnett County Public Schools to use photographs, audio recordings, and/or video recordings of you and/or your child. In order to withhold your consent to the disclosure of your and/or your child's photographs, audio recordings, and/or video recordings, you (the parent and/or guardian of the student) must notify the principal of the school the student attends in writing within 10 days of attending school.
- By reviewing this document, you acknowledge your receipt and understanding of the Media Release Opt-Out Form for your child. Follow the blue link below to view the document.