• School Hours & Check-in / Check-out Information

  • Office Hours: Monday - Friday  7:30 AM - 4:15 PM

     All visitors must sign-in at the Welcome desk.

    Student Hours: Monday - Friday 8:50 AM - 3:20 PM

    Students should arrive between 8:20 AM- 8:50 AM.

    Early Release: 12:50 PM

    Twice each school year, for two days in the fall and two days in the spring, students in Gwinnett County dismiss early for Parent-Teacher Conferences. On early release days, Simpson dismisses at 12: 50 PM.


  • Check-In 

    If a student arrives after the 8:50 AM bell, a parent must walk the student to the Welcome Desk and check-in the student.  


    The latest check-out time for students is 2:45 PM. 
    To be considered present for the full day, a student must be at school for 3 hours and 15 minutes of that day.