• Welcome to Your Award-Winning Media Center!

  • Take a Virtual Tour of Our Media Center

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  • Hours and Contact

    Hours: 6:45-2:30                        

    Media Center Contact Number:  678-512-6089            

    E-mail: 855.Media@gcpsk12.org

  • Services

    Our mission in the media center is to teach students the skills they need to access, interpret, and manage their information needs not only today, but for their lifetime. We hope to encourage the development of life long learners, collaborate with the faculty to promote learning across the curriculum, teach information literacy skills, advocate a love of reading and of libraries, and provide a collection of materials reflective of the needs of our students and teachers. We provide the following services for students and teachers:

    • 15,000 print resources plus access to ebooks and an extensive Online Research Library (online library access through eClass). 
    • Gwinnett Daily Post newspapers. Electronic versions of popular and academic magazines and journals, as well as extensive online encyclopedias are available through the Online Research Library.
    • 32 networked desktop computers.
    • Printers, Copy Machine, Scanner, and daily lamination for teachers.
    • Die cut Machine and Bulletin Board Paper 
    • Three teaching areas available for reservation through the scheduler.
    • For teachers:  laminating machine, bulletin board paper, die cut machine, professional library of print and online resources, document scanner, digital cameras, projectors, document cameras, speaker systems and more.   

    In our media center, students are encouraged to explore topics related to coursework and discover new interests in spacious and welcoming surroundings.  Our state-of-the-art technology and a wide range of resources make research efficient and allow students to gain new and different impressions concering various subjects.  Students are encouraged to make full use of the library media center to further their study, broaden and deepen their minds, and express creativity.

    Need help?  Stop by to see us or e-mail Mrs.Bengochea directly at kelsey.bengochea@gcpsk12.org

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I get to the county databases from home (AKA Online Research Library)?           Do I need passwords?

    When you login to eClass you can find the ONLINE RESEARCH LIBRARY app.  If you access these databases through your eClass you will NOT need passwords.  However, the passwords are also posted in your eClass should you get to these databases using a different route.picture of Online Research Librar  

    How do I get my eClass/network password reset?

    Any teacher who actually has you in class is able to reset your password through their employee portal.


    How long can I check out a book?

    Students can check out up to four books for four weeks.  If you are not finished by the due date you can bring them back to renew them for another four weeks. 


    How many books can I check out?


    How much are replacement fees for books?  

    We no longer charge overdue fees, but if you lose a book the replacement fee is $20 for hard cover and $10 for paperback.  You can pay online through MyPaymentsPlus.  

    How do I get to our eBooks?

    You can download our Destiny Reads app on your device and login using your student number and password.  More detailed directions can be found on our eBook page of this web site. 

    Do you have audiobooks?

    Yes!  We have CD-ROM audiobooks located in the graphic novel section.  We also have digital audiobooks through our Destiny Discover app.  More information can be found on our eBook page of this web site. 

    How do I search for a book in the library?

    You can get to the Media Catalog to search books by visiting the app on your eClass page, the icon on all desktop computers, the stand alone kiosk in the middle of the media center, or you can just come talk to us at the circulation desk and we can search for the book for you.

    How do I put a book on hold?


    Step 1:  Login to the Media Catalog to search for the books you want.  The Media Catalog is located in eClass or you can get to the catalog using the link below (login at the top right corner while in the catalog).

    Step 2:  Click HOLD IT while logged in and we will pull your books for you to pick up in the library.  You can HOLD up to 5 books! We will e-mail you when your book is ready for pick up.  


    What if the library doesn't have the book I need?

    Mrs. Bengochea is always taking student requests for new books to add!  Come talk to her or e-mail her with your suggestions at kelsey.bengochea@gcpsk12.org.  In the meantime, did you know you can also use your student number to check out books at the public library through our Branch Out program? You can try visiting the Gwinnett County Public Library to search through their collection.

    Can I come to the media center during my class time?  

    Yes!  You just need a blue pass signed by your teacher and then you will need to check in at our circulation desk. If you do visit the media center during class time, we ask that you work on something for your classes.

    How does the afterschool EndZone program work?

    The End Zone is a Community School Program that uses the media center from 2:10-4:30.  Ms. Fero is in charge of the EndZone program and is our Community School Director.  More information about the EndZone program can be found on the Community School page of our school web site.  

    What is the Readers Rally Club and how do I join?

    The Gwinnett Readers Rally is a quiz bowl style competition for students in grades 4 – 12. Students read books from a predetermined list and answer questions about those books. Our club meets as a PRIDE class and is a fun community of book lovers.  If you are an avid reader and want to join our club come and talk to Mrs. Giman in the media center to learn more!


  • Meet Our Staff

    Library Science Students:

    We couldn't run our media center without our amazing Library Science students!  Each block we have students who run our circulation desk, shelve books, help teach classes and complete special projects.  These students complete curriculum coursework in order to earn an elective credit.  Through this course students learn about the research process, library procedures, software systems, customer service and more.  If you are a Peachtree Ridge student and want to apply to take Library Science then stop by the media center to pick up an application.  

    Mrs. Kelsey Bengochea, Media Specialist

    picture of Mrs. Bengochea

    Phone: 678-512-6089

    Email: kelsey.bengochea@gcpsk12.org

    About Mrs. Bengochea:

    Bachelors Degree in English from Kennesaw State University
    Masters Degree in Library Media from University of West Georgia

         Kelsey Bengochea is the Media Specialist at PRHS and is a proud GCPS Alumni. She has a lifetime love of teaching which she has satisfied by training horses and teaching horseback riding. She enjoys spending time outside hiking and exploring as well as reading, watching movies, watching plays and musicals and pretty much all things pop culture!  She is happily married with three loveable felines and one oversized Bernese mountain dog pup.  

    Ms. Porchae Bryant, Media Clerk


    Phone: 678-512-6089

    Email: laporchae.bryant@gcpsk12.org

    About Ms. Bryant:

    Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science from Georgia Gwinnett College

    Porchae Bryant is the Media Clerk at PRHS and is a proud Ridge Alumni. She has a passion for teaching and has kept a pointed toe in the Ridge Performing Arts department with Dance and Theater since graduating from PRHS. She enjoys spending time with her two overly dramatic fur-babies and traveling the world learning about new cultures. She loves trips to the dog parks, relaxing in the mountains, horseback riding, and trying new cuisines. Students know that they can count on Ms. Porchae to encourage them to stay on task and be in class!