Berkmar High School
Believe in the B
- Berkmar HS
- Graduation Requirements
Promotion Requirements and Grading Scale
Grading Scale
A 90%-100%
B 80%-89%
C 70%-79%
F 0%-69%NOTE: In order to earn a regular Gwinnett County high school diploma, students must pass Gwinnett's High School Gateway Writing Assessment and achieve the required areas of study detailed on this page. (Class of 2023 must participate in the Gateway Writing Assessment)
Grade to Grade Requirements
9th Grade Promotion Requirements
For promotion to 10th grade, freshmen are required to have a minimum of 5 credits.
- 9th grade Language Arts
- Algebra I / Accel Algebra I
- Biology / AP Biology
- World Geography / AP Human Geography
- Personal Fitness (.5 credit)
- Health (.5 credit)
- 2 Additional Electives
10th Grade Promotion Requirements
For promotion to 11th grade, sophomores are required to have a minimum of 11 credits.
- 10th Grade Language Arts
- Geometry / Accel Geometry
- Chemistry
- World History / AP World History
- 3 Electives
11th Grade Promotion Requirements
For promotion to 12th grade, juniors are required to have a minimum of 17 credits.
- 11th grade Language Arts
- Algebra II / Accel Precal / AP Calculus AB
- Physics / AP Physics I
- US History / AP US History
- 3 Electives
12th Grade Graduation Requirements
To become a graduate of Berkmar High School, seniors are required to have a minimum of 23 credits from the require academic areas.
- 12th British Literature / AP British Literature
- 4th Math - Precalculus, Accel Precalculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics, Adv. Calculus II
- 4th Science - Oceanography, Astronomy, Forensic Science, AP Computer Science, AP Environmental Science, Anatomy & Physiology, AP Chemistry
- Economics (.5 credits)
- Political Systems (.5 credits)
- 3 Electives
State-Required Areas of Study
To graduate, Georgia students must earn a minimum of 23 credits
(also called units) in the following areas of study:Required Area of Study
Language Arts
1.0 must be 9th Grade Language Arts
1.0 must be 11th Grade Lang. Arts-American Lit.
Including Integrated Algebra I, Integrated Geometry,
Integrated Algebra II, & Additional Math
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and a Science Elective
(3 required and 1 elective)
4Social Studies
World History, U.S. History, Econ/Pol. Systems
3Required Electives
Any Combination of Fine Arts, Technical Electives
or Modern/Classical Language
2 units of Modern/Classical Language are required
for university admission in the state of Georgia
3Health and Physical Education
or 3.0 Units of JROTC