• Berkmar Commons

General Nutrition Information

  • Cafeteria Manager: Francisca Clavijo

    Email: francisca_clavijo@gwinnett.k12.ga.us
    Phone Number: 770-806-3706

    More information can be found on our county nutrition website.

    Nutrislice Menus

    Using the Nutrislice website, you can easily view information about what is on the student menu for breakfast and lunch each day. You can see an image and description for food items, as well as nutrition and carbohydrate information. This information is also available on the Nutrislice mobile app so you can get information where you need it, when you need it! The innovative and interactive site makes the Berkmar menus more convenient and informative than ever before.

    Go to our Nutrislice site to find out more!


    nutrislice logo



  • Welcome Letter - English and Spanish

    Welcome Letter - English

    Welcome Letter - Spanish

  • My Payments Plus

    MyPaymentsPlus allows you to go online and manage your student's meal account. MyPaymentsPlus allows you to make deposits at no cost and create settings to auto replenish your account or receive free reminders when the balance is low. Click the following link to log on and use MyPaymentsPlus!

    My Payments Plus

  • Free and Reduced Lunch Application

    GCPS offers both printed and online options for completion. Please remember a new application must be submitted each school year since the previous year's application will not work. Each new school year brings thousands of applications for the Free and Reduced Price Meal program. Due to the number of applications received, an online application turnaround time is faster. The online application is available in English and Spanish.

    Online Free and Reduced Lunch Application

  • Charge Policy

    High school students will be allowed to charge up $4.00.

    Charges are not allowed for supplemental or ala carte items. Once the charge limit has been met the student may receive a designated alternate meal at no charge as defined by the School Nutrition Program.

    Charging for meals will not be allowed after April 30th.

  • Refund Request Form

    Refund Request Form

GCPS Nutrition Image
  • This institution is an equal-opportunity provider