• Registration and Withdrawal 

Phone: 770-806-8910


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Mauro Martinez - Registrar

Please contact the Berkmar Registrar to make an appointment to register a new student.

Registering Parent/Guardian - New to GCPS

Registering Parent/Guardian - Not New to GCPS (Has Previously Enrolled or Currently Enrolled GCPS student)


Much of the registration process, including the uploading of documents needed for registration, will be completed online. Most document attachments (PDF, JPG, DOC, PNG, etc.) are compatible. The file size limit is 2 MB. Families should begin online registration, even if their child's health records are not up to date. They can complete their child's health screening and immunizations with the Health Department or their physician before school starts. The documents families will need for registration include:

  • An official document showing proof of birth date
  • Proof that you live in attendance zone
  • A valid Georgia certificate of immunization (GA Form #3231)
  • Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300-Rev. 2013)
  • A photo ID for the adult registering the child
  • Proof of authorized person to enroll
  • Child’s social security number (Students will be enrolled, even if the number is not provided.)
  • Report cards or official school transcript (current K-12 student)
  • Withdrawal form from previous school (current K-12 student)
  • Discipline records (students enrolling in grades 7-12)

Phone: 678-380-7254


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Alma Hogan - Records Clerk

Please contact Berkmar Records in regards to withdrawing a student.

Fax Number: 770-806-3736

  • New Student Enrollment

    Link provides information on registering for our school. 

    More Information on New Student Enrollment

  • Withdrawal

    How to Initiate the Withdrawal Process

    We wish your child the best during the transition to a new school. Our school system has an easy-to-use, secure online withdrawal process that will allow you to complete the form required for withdrawing your child. Once you complete and submit the online withdrawal form, you will be contacted by a school representative to verify your id and to provide you with any additional information necessary to complete the withdrawal if needed for your child.


    • Click on the link below and download the form to your device
    • Open the downloaded form with an Adobe application
    • Fill out the form and save it to your device
    • Email it back to our records clerk at mauro.martinez@gcpsk12.org
    • Please allow 24-48 hours to process withdrawal

         Withdrawal Form

    • Withdrawal forms must be completed by the enrolling parent/guardian only.
    • Once you complete and submit the withdrawal form, you will be contacted by our Records Clerk to verify your ID and to provide you with any additional information necessary (if needed) to complete the withdrawal of your student.


    • All textbooks and library books must be returned.
    • All cafeteria charges and library fines must be paid.

    How to Transfer Records

    Once your student has enrolled at the new school, that school will send a records request to Berkmar, and then records will be transferred to the receiving school.

    • If the receiving school is a GCPS school, records will be sent by courier.
    • If the receiving school is not a GCPS school, records will be sent by U.S. mail.
    • GCPS policy prohibits the transfer of records by email or fax.

  • Transcript Request

    Transcrips can be ordered in one of three ways:

    To order your transcript for an in-state college/university through Gafutures:

    • go to gafutures.org
    • create an account (spell your name the same as in our system) & include your social security number (for HOPE scholarship eligibility purposes)
    • go to "college planning" tab
    • go to "high school transcripts" tab
    • go to "request and track your transcript"

    To order through mypaymentsplus.com:

    • log in to your mpp account
    • go to school fees
    • look for "transcript or common app" then place order. These will be processed and available for pick-up within 24 hours of receiving notification.  Pick up in Records Office.

    To order at Berkmar (students that graduated up to two years ago):

    • complete a Transcript Request Form (located in the Records Office)
    • attach $5.00 for EACH transcript request and give to Berkmar's Records Clerk
    • return in 24 hours to pick up the transcript/s

    Students who graduated more than two years ago, click here.