• Britt Elementary School Clinic

  • Clinic Mission Statement

    Britt's Clinic Mission Statement is to provide first aid and care to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
  • Clinic Procedures

    • When a student is sent to the clinic, the student must bring a clinic pass. This pass is in triplicate. One copy is kept in the clinic, one by the teacher, and one is sent home to the parent/guardian. 
    • It is asked that parents have an open communication with their child concerning the clinic. 
    • First aid consists of washing the injured area and bandaging. 
    • Please check any wound carefully when your child gets home to prevent infection. 
    • Note that at no time will medication be given without first contacting family/guardian.


  • How Can You Help?

    The Clinic is very low on donated clothes for accidents during the school day. We accept blue jeans, long and short sleeve shirts, underwear, socks, and belts. Items must be thoroughly cleaned and have working buttons and zippers. No holes, but a little wear and tear  fine.

  • Clinic Donations

    Gwinnett County Public Schools and the State of Georgia do not provide funding for clinic equipment and supplies. W. C. Britt Elementary requests that our parents make a contribution of $5 per student or $10 per family to the clinic. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Clinic Worker

Clinic Documents