• Clinic

    Clinic personnel supervise the administration of medications, access health care needs, and administer emergency first aid when appropriate. When students become ill or injured during the day, they should report it immediately to the teacher and request a pass to the clinic. Clinic personnel will contact parents as situations require. Please be sure to keep the school updated on current phone numbers.

    Prescription Medications

    Taking medications during school hours is discouraged. Parents are asked to arrange medication schedules so that it is not necessary for medication to be taken at school. (Medications prescribed three times daily often can be given before school, after school, and at bedtime.) If the treating physician prescribes the administration of medication at school, the parent/guardian must complete the Administration of Medication Request form and return it to school. The information on the form must be the same as that on the prescription container label. Alcova ES will not accept medication sent to school in a baggie or any container other than the container provided by the pharmacy. The Administration of Medication Request form must be filled out and on file with the Clinic. Students may not have medications in their possession or share these medications with others.

    Students with asthma and need an inhaler at school need to have an Asthma Management Plan. A student may possess and self-administer inhalers prescribed for him/her by their physician if the Asthma Management Plan has been signed by their physician. All other inhalers will be kept in the Clinic.

    Please be sure to notify the Clinic if your student needs an EpiPen at school. The Allergy Emergency Plan and Hypodermic Injection Permit need to be filled out; the Hypodermic Injection Permit must be notarized. If Benadryl is needed for allergies, parents must provide it at school following the GCPS medication guidelines.

    Over the Counter Medication

    Administering over the counter medications at school is discouraged. Students may not have over the counter medications in their possession and may not share medications of any kind with fellow students. If a student must have an over the counter medication in order to attend school, the parent/guardian must fill in the GCPS Administration of Medication Request form and bring it with the medication in the original container to the Clinic. Only adults may bring in medications; students are not allowed to carry medications. All medication must be kept in the Clinic in the original container.

    When to keep my child home from school

    It is often a difficult task to decide whether to send your student to school in the morning if they complain of being sick. Here are some guidelines that we follow:

    1. FEVER – If your child has a fever of 100.4 or more, they should stay home until they have had no fever for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medicines such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen). If you treat a student with fever reducing medication before they come to school, the fever can return and your child may still be contagious.
    2. DIARRHEA AND VOMITING – One event of watery diarrhea or an episode of vomiting with other symptoms are reasons to keep your child home.
    3. PERSISTENT COUGH – If your child’s cough is worse than you would expect with a cold, keep him at home.
    4. SORE THROAT – If your child has a sore throat with a fever, student should stay home from school. If the sore throat is severe, student should stay home from school.
    5. PINKEYE – If your child’s eye is red with yellow drainage, student may need to see your Healthcare Provider. Medications may be needed. Pinkeye is contagious.
    6. STOMACH ACHE – If your child complains of a stomach ache, especially if he says it hurts to move and he does not want to eat, student should stay home.
  • Contact

    If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Alcova Elementary Clinic at 678-376-8500.



    Student Health Management Plans and Forms