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Hopkins Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program

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GCPS Dual Language Immersion Program

GCPS is pleased to offer Dual Language Immersion Programs at

Annistown Elementary (Spanish),

Baldwin Elementary (Spanish),

Bethesda Elementary (Spanish),

Camp Creek Elementary (Spanish),

Hopkins Elementary (Spanish),

Ivy Creek Elementary (Spanish),

Level Creek Elementary (Spanish),

Meadowcreek Elementary (Spanish),

Mulberry Elementary (Spanish),

Parsons Elementary (Korean), and

Trip Elementary (French).

GCPS’ 50/50 Model, based on a successful model used in Utah and South Carolina, calls for at least 50% of the school day to be spent learning the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum in a new language. Enrollment will be voluntary, starting with incoming kindergartners and building by one grade-level every year.


Why Dual Language Immersion?

  • Communication and collaboration in the global marketplace will become increasingly valuable skills for our students as they prepare for college, careers, and citizenship after graduation. In Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS), a new program promises to prepare students for this 21st century reality through Dual Language Immersion (DLI). Nine Gwinnett elementary schools (Annistown Elementary, Baldwin Elementary, Bethesda Elementary, Camp Creek Elementary, Ivy Creek Elementary, Level Creek Elementary, Meadowcreek Elementary, Mulberry Elementary, Parsons Elementary, and Trip Elementary) offer the program. Enrollment is voluntary, starting with incoming kindergartners and building by one grade level every year.

    How Does the Program Work?

    GCPS’ 50/50 Model calls for at least 50% of the school day to be spent learning GCPS’ Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum in the new language. A team of two teachers— one being fluent in the target language— will work together, with class time for mathematics and science in the new language with one teacher and language arts and social studies in English with the other teacher. Through this collaboration, students will develop proficiency in both English and the new language. By high school graduation, participating students will have acquired solid bilingual skills.