Short-Term Disability

  • Gwinnett County Public Schools offers a Short-Term Disability plan to all benefit-eligible employees for their personal disability. The Plan provides financial compensation to employees by paying an insurance benefit to the employee while he or she is disabled from performing the essential functions of his or her job.

    The Plan will pay a maximum benefit period of 180 calendar days, per disability. The amount paid is based on the Plan the employee is eligible for and the amount of salary earned at the time the disability begins.

    Short-Term Disability (STD) Plan Highlights:

    • Participation in the Plan is available to new employees upon attending an Employee Benefits Orientation. The options to apply, increase, or decrease coverage are available to all benefit-eligible employees during the annual Open Enrollment process.
    • An employee applying for benefits must submit a Short-Term Disability Claim form to the Benefits and Leave Administration Office no later than 12 months from the beginning date of the disability.
    • Benefits begin on the 15th day of a continuous disability and are accrued on a calendar day basis.
    • Eligibility to receive benefits from the plan starts after the sixth payroll deduction.
    • Benefits range from $225 to $500 per week and are paid on the 15th of each month.

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