• Bring Your Own Device

Sycamore is a BYOD School

  • My child used their device at school last year, but it will not connect this year.

    Please access the WiFi settings menu of the device and have the device "forget" the GCPS-Mobile connection.  Your child will now need to reconnect to the GCPS-Mobile network at school using their login credentials.  Please note their password changes each school year and will not be set until the first week of school.

  • Do you recommend a particular device to purchase?

    Please view the Gwinnett County Public School Bring Your Own Device Information Flyer for recommendations regarding devices for this initiative.

  • How often should my child bring in their device?

    This will depend upon your child's teacher.  Please monitor communication from your child's teacher for this information.

  • Will my child have the ability to charge their device at school?

    No. We don't have sufficient outlets nor power strips to provide this access.

  • Do you recommend an app to read QR codes?

    We utilize the app i-nigma QR reader successfully at Sycamore.  Also, the most recent versions of Android and Apple products may have the ability to scan QR codes via their built in camera apps.  Please familiarize your child with this feature.

  • What do I need to do to make sure my student is successful with their own device at school?

    1. Make sure the device is charged, all desired apps are installed and all updates are completed before it is brought to school.
    2. Make sure your child knows how to find the wifi settings on their device.  This will allow them to connect to our "GCPS-Mobile" network at Sycamore. Please note they will not be able to complete this step if the settings menu is protected with a password they do not know.
    3. Make sure you've read the BYOD section of the Student Parent Handbook with your child.
    4. Bookmark / set https://www.gcpsk12.org/SycamoreES as the homepage on the device's web browser (especially for grades K-3). 

  • Does my child need a device?

    No. Sycamore provides a few devices per classroom and they may utilize one of those when they are available.