• Uniforms

    random students in uniforms
    At Annistown, our students have been wearing uniforms for the past several years. Students wear uniforms Monday - Thursday, and Spirit Wear (Annistown shirt and jeans) on Fridays. Our community has been very supportive of the Annistown Dress Code and we see the benefits daily. We know that parents/students supporting this initiative helps add to a positive learning environment. We ask for your continued support of the uniform program.
    Uniforms are available at most major retail stores, as well as online.
  • Boys

     Top: Black, Grey, or White (solid colors)

    Collared polo, oxford, or turtleneck styles
    Bottom: Black or Khaki pants/shorts
    Optional: Blazer, Cardigan Sweater, Tie
  • girls

    Top: Black, Grey, or White (solid colors)

    Collared polo, oxford, or turtleneck styles
    Bottom: Black or Khaki pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers
    Important: Shorts, skirts, skorts, & jumpers should be longer than the longest fingertip when arms are hanging by their sides.