• Annistown Photo Galleries

Teachers & Staff are Superheroes

Generals' Pride Parade

Award Winning Scholars

Book Character Day

Black History Month

Random Acts of Kindness

Goodbye Class of 2021

5th Grade Brag Boards

Field Day Fun 2021

Read Across America Fun

Read Across America Week





Kindness Week

  • As we kick-off our KINDNESS CHALLENGE and highlighting BLACK SUPERHEROES, what better way to begin than by celebrating one of our own Annistown Generals, 3rd Grade,  Ethan C.  
    Ethan and his father Donovan auditioned and booked a voice-over job together for the book "I'm a Kindness Hero."  This was Ethan's first voice over job! He was very excited to work with his Dad.

"I am a Kindness Hero"