Lilburn Middle School
Where Success is our ONLY Option
- Lilburn MS
- Clinic Information
Phone: 770.806.3860
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Stephanie Peterson
Clinic Worker
Stephanie Peterson
Clinic Information
Clinic Cards
The approved GCPS Clinic Information Card must be completed yearly for each student. The purpose of the clinic card is to:
- Provide information about any medical conditions the school may need to know about and who to contact in case of an emergency.
- The parent’s signature on the Clinic Card gives the school permission to take appropriate emergency medical action in the event the parent/guardian cannot be reached.
- Necessary for your child to check out of school prior to the end of the school day.
If the clinic card indicates that your child has a medical condition (asthma, diabetes, severe allergies, etc), an Action Plan should be on file with your child's teacher to advise the school on how to best care for your child during the school day or in case of an emergency.
Non-Prescription Medication
There may be situations where the student needs over-the-counter medication in order to stay in school. In this case, the school clinic worker may be permitted to supervise and/or provide reasonable assistance in the administration of certain medications:
- Aspirin - Acetaminophen - Ibuprofen - Cough medicine, etc.
In no event will the clinic worker assure a parent that anything more than a reasonable effort will be made to assist the student.
The parent/guardian must furnish a WRITTEN request which includes:
- student’s First and Last Name,
- name of the medication
- dose and time to be administered
- reason for medication
The medication must be received at school in an appropriate Childproof Container, and must be accompanied by a completed Administration of Medication Request Form. This form is available by request from the school clinic.
E-mail or Faxed permission can ONLY be accepted once, in an emergency situation. The transmission must include the student’s full name, name of the medication, dose to be administered, and reason for the medication. -
Prescription Medication
Taking prescription medication during school hours is discouraged. Parents should work out dosages so that none will need to be taken during school hours.
However, if the treating physician recommends such administration of the medication, then the parent/guardian needs to complete the Administration of Medication Request Form and return it to the clinic. This form is available by request from the school clinic.
Prescription medications must be kept in the appropriate child-proof prescription container (no envelopes, baggies, etc.) and labeled by the pharmacist with the student’s name, name of the medication, and dosage prescription.Each time the medication dosage changes, the prescription bottle label must be changed to reflect the dose ordered by the physician.
Asthma Medication
A student who has asthma may possess and is permitted to self-administer at his/her discretion, asthma medication prescribed for him/her by his/her physician. The student will be allowed to self-administer asthma medication while at school, at a school sponsored activity, while under the supervision of school personnel, or during before/after school care on school operated property ONLY under the following conditions:
1. The parent/guardian must notify the school in writing that the student has asthma and will possess and self-administer asthma medication. The school will accept this notification on the GCPS Medication Administration Form that can be obtained from the clinic.
2. The school must be notified in writing by the student’s physician. The school will accept this notification in these alternate forms:- letter signed by the physician on the physician’s stationery,
- physician’s prescription pad paper, or the
- signature of the physician on the GCPS Asthma Action Plan obtained from the school. The physician must include:
- a statement that it is necessary for the student to possess and self-administer asthma medication;
- the name and appropriate dosage of the medication;
- a statement that the student has been properly trained by the physician as to the use of the medication.