Lilburn Middle School
Where Success is our ONLY Option
- Lilburn MS
- Community Resources
Welcome Parents!From the Gwinnett County Office of Advisement and Counseling, below are multiple resources available to all GCPS students and families. On this page, you will find information that may be useful to you and your family.
You can view any of the documents and links below by clicking on them. Continue to periodically check here for updates and other important information.
Community Resources
Lilburn Middle School does not endorse or recommend any of the agencies listed below, as this list is for informational purposes only. Any fees incurred are the responsibility of the parent and/or student. This is not a complete list of resources in Atlanta or Gwinnett. Please check your yellow pages and/or insurance provider for other resources.
Parent Resources
Tips for Parenting During Times of Crisis
ADHD Resources
Schwab Learning - A parent’s guide to helping children with learning difficulties. Includes a parent-to-parent message board and a
weekly newsletter.ADDitude - A fabulous website for the magazine (ADDitude), which is a great resource for ADD material for people of all ages.
School Strategies - School strategies and resources for ADD/ADHD students, their parents and teachers.
CHADD Organization - The official website of the Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) organization.
Very Well Mind - Parenting Children with ADHD
ADD Consults - Terry Matlen’s website for women with ADD. She has written a great book of survival tips for women.
My ADHD - Doctors, parents, educators, and adults with ADHD communicate. Assessment, tracking and treatment tools are available.
LD Online - A wealth of information about LD for parents, teachers and kids
Developmental Characteristics of Middle School Students
- Good age for clubs, team sports, and whole-class activities
- Eager to reach out to others, such as through community service or tutoring young children
- Boys and girls work well together
- Quick to anger and quick to forgive
- Competitive but also cooperative
- Listen well but also enjoy talking and explaining
- Enjoy adult recognition
- Muscles for jumping, running, and other big movements are developing quickly
- Need lots of outdoor play and physical challenges
- Snacks and rest periods help rapidly growing bodies
- Better at small muscle movements; enjoy precision tasks such as tracing and copying
- Ready to start using tools such as compasses, rulers and templates
- Very good at memorizing facts
- Enjoy collecting, organizing, and classifying
- Like rules and logic; open to learning about scientific principles, governmental structures, and meeting formats
- Can concentrate on reading and thinking for long periods
- Hardworking; take pride in school work
- Enjoy choral reading, poetry, plays and singing
- Open to learning mediation or problem-solving skills
- Moody, self-absorbed
- Easily embarrassed; need to “save face” in front of peers
- Sensitive about their changing bodies
- Need lots of time to talk with peers
- Common age for girls to form cliques
- Worry about who’s “in” and who’s “out”
- Like to challenge rules, argue, and test limits
- Need adult empathy, humor, and light attitude to help them take things less seriously
- Restless and very energetic
- Need lots of food, physical activity, and sleep
- Growth spurt for many girls; some begin menstruating
- “Growing pains” (bone outgrowing muscle) may cause nightly aches and daily complaints
- More colds, ear infections, flu, etc.
- Can think abstractly – for example, more able to understand ideas such as “justice”
- Beginning to challenge adult explanations and their own assumptions
- Would rather learn new skills than review or improve previous work
- Enjoy using their developing thinking skills to do brain teasers and puzzles
- Like “adult” tasks ( researching, interviewing, footnoting, etc.) and “adult” studies (history, biography, etc.) though may outwardly fuss while secretly enjoying the work
- Peer opinions matter more than those of teachers and parents
- Question and argue with adults about rules; need adults to listen to their ideas
- More willing to accept guidance from adults other than teachers and parents
- Need ceremonies and rituals to mark turning points on their way to adulthood
- Capable of self-awareness, insight, and empathy
- Can take on major responsibilities such as running a school store or raising money
- Careless with “unimportant” things such as cleaning their room and keeping track of assignments
- Like both group and individual work
- Very energetic; need lots of sleep, exercise and food (including in-school snack)
- Enjoy physical education and sports
- Boys and girls both have growth spurts
- Girls showing signs of puberty; most are menstruating
- May begin to excel at a subject (such as science) or skill (such as drawing)
- Understand and enjoy sarcasm, double meanings, and more sophisticated jokes
- Enthusiastic about school work they see as purposeful, such as research projects, science experiments, and drama productions
- Can set goals and concentrate well
- Very interested in civics, history, current events, environmental issues, and social justice
- Moody and sensitive; anger can flare up suddenly
- Feelings are easily hurt; can easily hurt others’ feelings
- Very concerned about personal appearance
- Like to be left alone when home
- Prefer working alone or with one partner
- Spend hours on the phone or computer, and with video games and TV
- Decorate their bedrooms to show personality and independence
- A lot of peer pressure in what to wear, how to talk, what music to listen to
- Girls tend to focus on close friendships; boys tend to travel in small groups or gangs
- Challenge the ideas and authority of parents and teachers
- Answer parents with a single work or loud, extreme language
- Often mean (may stem from being insecure or scared)
- Lots of physical energy
- Skin problems are common; hygiene becomes more important
- Most girls are menstruating and have almost reached full physical development
- Most boys are showing first signs of puberty (will reach full development at age fourteen or fifteen) and are physically awkward
- Changing bodies make gym, health, and sex education embarrassing
- Tentative, worried, unwilling to take risks on tough intellectual tasks
- Interested in fairness, justice, discrimination, etc.
- Often write better than they speak, so better at written work than oral explanations
- Need short, predictable homework assignments to build good study habits
- Starting to enjoy thinking about the many sides of an issue
- Need adult connection even while fighting for their own identity
- Need adults to listen and negotiate rules and requirements
- Fiercely criticize parents’ dress, ideas, friends, etc.
- Mimic adult behavior but resent adult lectures
- “Know it all”; can be extremely oppositional
- May be troublesome at home while excelling at school
- Work hard at creating teen subculture
- Typically loud and rambunctious
- Can rise up to leadership challenges in student council, peer tutoring, etc.
- Without safe rites of passage, may drift toward alcohol and drugs
- Work well in small groups
- Both boys and girls are more interested in sex; some are sexually active
- Very energetic, generally healthy; most would rather go to school than stay home when sick in order to be with peers
- Need lots of exercise, snacks, sleep
- Girls almost fully developed
- Boys may continue growth spurts and show signs of puberty
- Better at thinking abstractly – for example, understanding ideas such as “freedom”
- Enjoy individual skills (music, art, etc.)
- Like technology and learning how things work
- Respond well to variety and challenge; enjoy research
- Complain about homework, but often enjoy the challenge
- Like having a chance to revise and improve work
- Often say “I’m bored” to mean “I don’t understand”
- May see academic success as “nerdy” and “uncool”
Reaching the Unmotivated Student
Motivating the Unmotivated Student - Content Provided by College Board,
10 Ways to Motivate Your Child to Learn - Content provide by Scholastic: Parent Resources,
Social and Emotional Learning
"Social and emotional learning starts at home. Parents and families are critical partners in helping their children develop social and emotional know-how. They can model the kinds of skills, attitudes, and behaviors we want all students to master. And they can be important advocates for SEL at school."
Introduction to Social Emotional Learning 101 for Parents in English
Introduction to Social Emotional Learning 101 for Parents in Spanish
Top 10 Recommended Books for Parents to support Social Emotional Learning and Development -
Community Resources
Counseling & Mental Health Assistance
Additional Resources
Lilburn Middle School does not endorse or recommend any of the agencies listed on this site, as they are for informational purposes only. Any fees incurred are the responsibility of the parent and/or student. This is not a complete list of resources in Atlanta or Gwinnett. Please check you yellow pages and/or insurance provider for other resources.
Parents' Guides to Student Success (at any grade level)
100 Ways for Parents to be Involved in Their Child's Education
Resources for Parents - Teen Health
School Ratings & Reviews for Public and Private Schools
Camp Magik - A Bereavement and Grief Resource
Internet Safety Advice - 10 Tips for Parents
ADDitude - Information on ADD and ADHD
Cross Pointe Church Food Pantry
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Online Resources List
Food Resources Lists
Food Finder GA website provides information about all the food distributors who provide food assistance for people and families in need who live in Gwinnett County, Georgia.
Additional Food Resources List contains a list of resources for food, including the organizations name, location, and hours of operation.
Other Resources
See the documents below for a list of resources available in the community such as medical, economic, and mental health support.
El Alimento Resources para Familias
Mentoring Programs
The following community programs are currently partnering with Lilburn Middle School and some of our students. Click on the topics for more information.