Ferguson Elementary School
The School of Dreams
- Ferguson ES
- New Students
Registration Information
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New Students
Due to COVID-19, the registration process for Gwinnett County Public Schools has changed.
Any student who is new to the Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) system should follow the steps below to begin the online registration process.
Any student who is transferring to Ferguson Elementary from within GCPS should visit the school's front office with the following documentation. The online registration process is NOT required for students transferring within GCPS.- Withdrawal Form from Previous School
- Proof of Residency
- Parent/Guardian ID
If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact the school at 678-245-5450
Content Accordion
Step 1: Complete Online Registration
Please click here to begin the Online Registration process.
A reminder to please complete the required Online Registration Form for EACH new student you are registering.
If you are enrolling a new Kindergartner, the child must be 5 years old by September 1 of the current school year. Please click here for more information regarding Kindergarten registration.
Please Note: This DOES NOT complete the registration process. Please continue with the steps below.
Helpful Resources:
New Student Registration Guide (Document translations can be found here.)
How to Upload Documents for GCPS Online Registration (Document translations can be found here.)
Step 2: Provide Required Documentation
During the online registration process, parents will upload required documentation.
Directions for uploading documentation during the online registration process can be found here.
Please be aware that your child will not be entered into our student database and assigned a teacher until ALL required documents are received.
Upon completion of the online registration process by the parent, the school will contact the parent to verify that everything has been completed and the required documentation has been submitted.
If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact the school at 678-245-5450
Step 3: Additional Information (Supply Lists, Cafeteria, etc...)
Please click the items below for more information:
- Supply Lists
Find out what materials your child will need this school year - MyPaymentsPlus
Create an account to pay student cafeteria balances, set up pre-payments for breakfast/lunch, and receive low balance e-mail reminders - Cafeteria Information
View school menus, information about meal pricing, and more... - Free & Reduced Lunch ApplicationMust be renewed each year
- Supply Lists