Minor Elementary School
Start as a Patriot, End as a Patriot!
- Minor ES
- Welcome
Welcome to the Minor Media Center!
Reading and learning are our primary focus in the Media Center at Minor! Students are encouraged to select books based on their interests. Our mission is to develop life-long readers and researchers and inspire students to find books they will love!
The Media Center at Minor Elementary has a variety of resources for students.
There are e-books that can be checked out in SORA. To access them, go to your GCPS student portal page, click on Google Workspace for Education, then go to the waffle and click on the SORA app. In addition, you can check out e-books through the Gwinnett County Public Library. More information on the GCPL Branch Out program can be found on our Media Center's Helpful Links and Information site.
Students in Pre-K through 5th grade will be able to check out books each week from the Media Center. Students in Pre-K through first grade may check out one book at a time and students in 2nd through 5th grade may check out 2 books at a time. Books may be kept for 2 weeks.
There are no fines for overdue books; however, there is a fee for lost or damaged materials. These fees are set by the district: $15 for hardback books and $5 for paperback books (designated by PBK in the call number) and magazines. Fees may be paid by cash or check, brought in to the Media Center OR on MyPaymentsPlus.com.
Every student is issued a school-owned Chromebook. Hot Spots and Chromebook Power Cords are also available for checkout if needed at home for Digital Learning Days. These items can be kept for the school year. All equipment must be returned before a student withdraws from Minor Elementary. Fees for lost and damaged equipment is set by the district and will be assessed as needed. These fees may be paid by cash or check, brought in to the Media Center OR on MyPaymentsPlus.com.