PMES Student/Parent Handbook

  • pencil drawing of mascot Sparky

  • Cover Page

  • Attendance

    Regular attendance in school helps develop good habits that will carry over in life. Good attendance correlates very strongly with improved grades in school. School attendance is the responsibility of both parents and students. Attendance is extremely important to a successful school experience for your child as well as for attainment of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) that is required for promotion from one grade level to the next.

    Arrival:  Students may enter the building between 7:45 AM and 8:15 AM. Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classrooms at 8:15 AM. Prior to 7:45 AM, the staff is busy planning and is not available to supervise early arrivals. To be counted present for the entire day, students must attend for at least the equivalent of half the school day. Please allow your young child to become an independent and responsible student. To do this, we ask that you do not go into the classroom with your child in the mornings or afternoons to help him/her with book bags, etc.

    Check In/Check Out:  Students arriving at school after 8:15 a.m. must be signed in by a parent in the office prior to going to the classroom. Early check out is discouraged. In order to be counted for a full day, the student must remain at school until 11:30 a.m. or be in attendance for three and one half hours of the school day. To protect instructional time and create a safe environment, no students may be checked out after 2:15 PM except in emergency situations. Parents should report to the office to check out a student. Photo ID will be required for the safety of your child. Relatives, neighbors, etc. will not be allowed to check out any student unless authorization is on file.

    Absences:  In compliance with State Law, all absences will be classified as unexcused except those for the reasons of personal illness, death in the immediate family, religious holidays, or when school is closed due to inclement weather. Parents or guardians must submit an excuse note within 5 days of the child's return to school explaining the reason and date(s) for the absence. Excuses may be submitted as a note from the doctor or parent explaining the reason for the absence(s). If a note is not received within the 5 days, the absence(s) will remain unexcused.  You may also submit this information thru the school’s website.  On the main page, select “Parents – Parent Information”.  Under “Parent Information”, select “Send an Email” under “Attendance Notes”.  You can then submit your information directly to our registrar. Our counselor and social worker will contact parents if excessive absences and/or tardies occur. Parents are urged to make dental, medical, and other appointments for their children after school, on Saturdays, teacher workdays, or holidays if possible. Please note that vacations are not excused absences.

  • Cafeteria

    Lunch Purchases:  The school cafeteria is maintained as a vital part of the health program of the school. To encourage good nutrition, a well-balanced lunch is offered at a very reasonable price.  Meals may be purchased daily on a cash basis or on a pre-paid basis at any time. Please make checks payable to Puckett’s Mill Cafeteria and include the child’s name and student id number. Pre-payment with a credit card is possible online at Money will be applied to each student’s individual account. Students’ ID numbers are also required for the online transaction. Lunch accounts can be monitored through this site at any time. Any funds in the account at the end of the school year will carry over to the next school year. Parents requesting a refund should speak to the cafeteria manager.

    Student lunches are $2.25

    Adult lunches are $4.00

    Extra milk is $.40

    A La Cart Items are 40¢ - $2.00

    In addition, students may purchase a la carte items. If a student brings a lunch to school, please do not send carbonated beverages, food in glass containers, or items that would require microwaving. Visitors are strongly discouraged from bringing fast food meals into the cafeteria. Students have permission to purchase additional food before they sit down at their table. They will be charged the al la carte price at the register. Students will not be allowed to get up from their table once they are seated until it is time to leave. Students who are allergic to milk or other foods will need to bring a doctor’s note to school. 

    Lunch Charges:  Each student will be allowed to charge the equivalent of four days’ worth of lunches ($9.00) before they are given an alternative lunch.  The alternative lunch will consist of a PBJ sandwich and a milk. School counselors will be notified when excessive charging occurs.  Parents will also be notified by the district by email. Prompt payment of these charges is appreciated.  

    Free or Reduced Lunches:  Free or reduced lunches will be provided for those students whose families meet federal guidelines. Applications can be found on the school’s website or obtained from the cafeteria manager. New applications are required each year. 

    Breakfast:  The breakfast program will begin the first day of school. Breakfast is served from 7:45 until 8:05 A.M and costs $1.50. Students will go directly to the cafeteria when entering the building.  

    Allergies:  Parents with students with food allergies should notify the cafeteria manager. Children with milk allergies need to bring in notification from their doctor in order to replace milk with another choice. 

    Ice Cream/Snacks:  Ice cream is sold in the cafeteria each day at the end of your child’s lunch period for $1.00. (Kindergarten students are able to purchase ice cream on Wednesdays and Fridays.) Snacks may also be brought from home. Money from a student lunch account may not be used to purchase ice cream. 

    Lunch Guests:  Parents and other guests are welcomed to eat lunch with their children. Parents should sit at the designated parent tables and should abide by all cafeteria rules. Parents may only take your own child to the parent table.  When visiting for lunch, please meet your student’s class in the hallway outside of the cafeteria.  As stated above, visitors are strongly discouraged from bringing fast food meals into the cafeteria. 

    Birthdays:  Parents may send in a simple treat, such as cookies or cupcakes (not drinks). Treats should be pre-cut or in individual servings. Please deliver treats to the cafeteria during your child’s lunch. Please allow children to complete their lunches prior to distributing birthday treats.  Birthday parties are not allowed at school. Please do not send or bring balloons, flowers, etc. to students while they are at school. Unless every child (or all girls/all boys) in the class is receiving an invitation, invitations will not be distributed at school.

  • Change of Address or Phone

    For emergency purposes, we must have updated information on each student. Please notify the school office of any changes in address or phone numbers so they can be noted in our student information system. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!    

  • Clinic

    The clinic is operated and maintained with financial support from the state and from Puckett’s Mill parent donations. It is crucial the clinic worker has sufficient emergency information for each child. Parents will be called if a student is too sick to remain in school, has been seriously injured, or is running a fever of 100 degrees or more. Our clinic worker is authorized to administer medications to students if the following guidelines are met: (1) Long-term medicines require paperwork from both the parent and physician; (2) Emergency medications (for bee strings, etc.) require liability release and paperwork from the parent and physician; (3) All prescriptions must be in the original container with instructions clearly stated; (4) In all cases, medication must be brought to school by an adult.  Medication will only be administered for the purpose stated on the parent note. When your child is sick, please do not send him/her to school and chance infecting others. Certain communicable diseases require a physician’s note before students can be readmitted to school. Please call the school for additional information.

  • Closing of School/Inclement Weather

    In the event of severe weather or other conditions, the starting time of the school may be delayed or all schools will be closed. Announcements will be made over WSB AM 750 radio/TV station by 6:30 AM. The same process is used in case of early dismissal due to inclement weather. Also, please check our school website and the Mill Creek Cluster Connection App for real-time announcements. 

  • Collection of Money From Students

    Some occasions arise which necessitate the collection of money from students. Money is collected for lost or damaged books, field trips, school pictures, fundraisers, lunch charges, and other items. It is preferred that money is collected through; however, when money is sent to school, it should be in a labeled envelope with the purpose of the money, the teacher’s name, and your child’s name.

  • Communication With Parents

    Communicating effectively with our parents is a priority. There are a number of ways we communicate with parents throughout the year but we strive to operate as a “paperless” community as often as possible. 

    Classroom Communication:  Friday Folders will be sent home weekly, which will include student work and school wide information. It is critical that you review this information weekly.  Your student’s teacher will also post important announcements, homework, and an electronic newsletter on their eCLASS page. 

    Curriculum and Instruction Communication:  A copy of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) brochure for each grade level may be accessed on the GCPS website at 

    Email and Internet Communication:  Parents may communicate with the staff through our Puckett’s Mill website ( Lunch accounts can be accessed at  Student academic, attendance and discipline history, as well as current grades, may be accessed through ParentVue (the parent portal).  Grade will be updated weekly and new data may be viewed. 

    Parent-Teacher Conferences:  Early Release conferences are scheduled twice during the school year (October and March).  Additional conferences may be scheduled with teachers, our counselor, or administrators as needed. As a courtesy to the school staff, we ask that an appointment be made for visitation and/or conferences. If you need to meet with a teacher, please schedule a time by contacting the teacher directly. Though it may seem convenient or quick to stop by the room before, during, or after the school day, our teachers’ responsibility is to the students in the classroom. The teacher must supervise students at all times. 

    Puckett’s Mill Communication:  Parents receive monthly “Message from the Mill” updates from the school through mass email and on our school website at  This communication will highlight upcoming events, student recognitions, instructional practices, and positive events happening at Puckett’s Mill. 

    Telephone/Email Communication:  Phone messages to your child’s teacher will be e-mailed to the teacher. Instructional time will not be interrupted to deliver phone messages. Our staff is committed to returning phone calls and/or emails to parents within 24 hours of the parent’s contact with the school. Concerns that are specific to your child’s classroom or teacher should be addressed with the teacher first. If concerns persist, an administrator or our counselor would be happy to assist you.

  • Dress Code

    The appearance of a student is primarily the responsibility of the student and the parents. We expect students to maintain an appearance that is not distracting to teachers or other students or in any way disrupts the instructional program of the school, as determined by an administrator. Students are encouraged to dress appropriately, suitable to weather conditions, and in good taste. Students are expected to dress in a manner appropriate for school. When a student’s appearance is felt to be detrimental to the learning environment and is in violation of any of the stated rules, he/she will be asked to change into clothing kept in the clinic or call his/her parents to bring something more acceptable.

    1. Shoes are to be worn at all times. Rubber flip-flops, high heels, and shoes with wheels are not appropriate at school.
    2. No bare midriffs. Halter tops, thin straps or tank tops for grades 3-5 cannot be worn without another shirt over/under. No underwear should be visible.
    3. No clothing with offensive language, pictures, or alcohol/drug advertisements will be permitted.
    4. Hats, sunglasses, etc. are not to be worn except on special days or unless medically needed. 
    5. Pajamas should only be worn on designated pajama days.
    6. Shorts and skirts are of appropriate length when fingertips touch the hem.
    7. Only athletic type shoes and appropriate clothing is to be worn to PE. Students who come unprepared cannot participate and their grade will be at risk.

  • Field Trips

    Each grade level may arrange no more than two field trips annually (one in-house and one off campus).  Cost of the field trips will be kept as low as possible.  Fifth grade will be allowed one off-campus field trip that may exceed $75.  Field trips will support curriculum objectives and the AKS.

  • Fire, Tornado, and Evacuation Drills

    Emergency and weather drills are held at regular intervals throughout the school year. Instructions are posted in the classroom indicating how to leave the building in case of a fire and where to go in case of a tornado or emergency evacuation. Children will practice walking quietly and quickly to the designated area. Student behavior which interferes with any safety drill will not be tolerated.

  • Gifted Education

    Gifted Education in the Gwinnett County Public Schools is a part of the system’s Center for Educational Programs. Procedures for identifying and placing students in gifted education are governed by the rules and regulations which are approved by the State Department of Education. Gifted education is funded by the State.  Referrals to gifted education may come from teachers, parents, peers, or as a result of system wide testing scores. A school’s gifted eligibility team reviews referrals to determine which students will be evaluated. The evaluation includes the student’s aptitude, achievement, creativity and motivation. Private evaluations and testing may not be substituted for test data generated by the local school.

  • Gifted Instruction and Advanced Content Classes at PMES

    Students who qualify for gifted services will receive advanced instruction from a gifted certified teacher. Class placement will be determined by a set of criteria per grade level.  Questions regarding criteria may be directed to the PMES Administration Team.  It is likely that gifted and non-gifted students will share the same teacher.   All teachers are highly qualified to differentiate and challenge all students, both gifted and non-gifted.  Depending on a child’s service model, he or she may be pulled for Thinking Skills and/or Advanced Content Math.  We continue to exceed the State’s requirement for serving gifted students at Puckett's Mill. See the GCPS and GaDOE websites for additional information.

  • Grading - Reporting to Parents

    Reporting Procedures:  Elementary report cards describing a student’s progress are sent to parents or guardians at the end of each semester. Students’ grades in subject areas reflect their achievement of the essential Gwinnett County curriculum (AKS) at their grade level. Grades may also be checked weekly through the ParentVue (Ithe Parent Portal).

    Progress Indicators for Kindergarten and First Grade         

    Accomplished E = Surpasses Standards                                      

    In Progress S = Satisfactory                                          

    Not Evident N = Needs to improve

                        U = Unsatisfactory                                                                                                            

    Progress Indicators for Grades 2-5        

    A = 90-100     Excellent Progress                  

    B = 80-89      Above Average Progress              

    C = 74-79      Satisfactory Progress                     

    D = 70-73      Progress Needs to Improve        

    U =   0-70      Unsatisfactory Progress

    Progress Indicators for Special Areas & Health

    E   = Surpasses Standard

    S   = Satisfactory

    N   = Needs to Improve

    U   = Unsatisfactory

  • Guidance and Counseling

    Guidance and counseling services are available to all students through our counselors. The goal of the guidance program is to help students grow toward a more meaningful and satisfying life socially, as well as academically.  You may visit the counselors’ website which is linked to the school website.

  • Homeless Children and Youth

    The Stewart B. McKinney/Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Act ensures the educational rights and protection for children and youth experiencing homelessness. It provides legal protection for children and youth in homeless situations to enroll in, attend, and succeed in school and preschool programs. In accordance with this law, Gwinnett County Public Schools affords homeless children and youth equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education such as Head Start, Even Start, State Pre-K, and Title I Preschool programs as provided to other students. Homeless children and youth will have access to education and other services that he/she needs to have an opportunity to meet the same challenging state student academic achievement standards to which all students are held.

  • Instructional Interruptions

    It is important to keep instructional interruptions to a minimum.  Students will only be allowed to call home for emergency reasons with the teacher’s permission.  They will not be allowed to call for materials, assignments, or lunches which have been left at home.  In the case of lunches, the student will not go hungry, but will be given an appropriate meal.  Instructional time will not be interrupted for delivery of homework, snacks, or ice cream money.  Parents will not be able to deliver items to the classrooms.  These items will be placed on a side table in the foyer and the teacher will be notified for pick up via email.  No guarantee is given on when the items will be picked up that day.  Please help your child practice responsibility by having them check for these items before they leave for school in the morning.  Please note that parents will not be able to walk tardy children to class during instruction.

  • Instructional Program

    Instructional Expectations:  The Gwinnett County AKS serves as our essential curriculum. These, along with the Indicators of Achievement, define our accountability. Curriculum guides, instructional planners, the AKS database, and core instructional materials are just some of the tools available to help teach and assess the curriculum. It is up to teachers to determine what methods and strategies are needed to help each student achieve the standard curriculum.

    Homework:  Homework is an extension of the classroom learning process and it is one way to provide students more time and opportunity to practice, extend, and apply skills or to preview new learning. Homework helps students establish self-discipline and study skills and it is a way to keep parents informed and involved with their child’s schoolwork. Homework will be used in developmentally appropriate ways to support learning. Some assignments are long-range in nature and require planned study time for their completion.

    Parents can help by encouraging their children to establish effective study habits and by reviewing homework with their child. It is very helpful for parents to establish set times to work. If your child has no current assignment, he/she should be encouraged to read. 

    Assessment:  Teachers assess students in a variety of ways, including formative and summative assessments.  Students are assessed based on the Georgia Standards of Excellence and the AKS in all content areas.  Students at assigned grade levels participate in local, national and state standardized tests.  Performance on these assessments provides parents information on their child's mastery of grade level standards as well as an idea of how their children compare with students of the same age taking the same tests.  In the spring, students in grades 3-5 will take the Georgia Milestones test.  Those in grade 3 are required to pass reading for promotion, and students in grade 5 are required to pass reading and math for promotion.

    Individuals With Disabilities Service:  It is the practice of the Gwinnett County Public Schools to provide instructional and related services that result in a free appropriate public education for individuals with documented disabilities. Please contact our assistant principal who supervises special education programs for information regarding these services. A teacher or parent can recommend students for evaluation. Special education services support children with learning disabilities, speech and language needs, emotional and behavioral concerns, other health impairments, as well as children with mild, moderate, and severe intellectual disabilities. 

    Interventions:  We provide a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) including interventions to assist students when they are having difficulty achieving curriculum and performance standards. Interventions provided at school include reading and math support for struggling students; Early Intervention Program for grades K-5; co-teaching efforts involving gifted, special education, and classroom teachers; and summer school.  A Student Support Team (SST) operates to provide insight and specific suggestions to help classroom teachers best meet individual student needs. The SST includes the parent, teacher, administrator, counselor and the school psychologist.

  • Insurance for Students

    Student accident insurance for incidents, which occur at school or on the way to and from school, is available at a reasonable price during the first week of school. School insurance is voluntary and is not handled by the school.

  • Lost and Found

    Items found in hallways, playground, cafeteria, or restrooms will be taken to the Lost and Found.  Students may check for missing items in Lost and Found between 7:45 AM-8:10 AM daily.  Unclaimed articles are donated to charity every nine weeks. Please write your child’s name on all personal property for easy identification.

  • Make Up Work

    Children too ill to be in school are generally too ill to work on assignments at home. When students are not well enough to attend school, we believe it is important that they get plenty of rest and concentrate on getting better so they can return to school as soon as possible. Teachers will adjust the assignments if needed to help students focus on the most important skills they missed.  However, much of the instruction is hands-on, interactive work that cannot be reproduced at home. Missing assignments due to absences will be made up upon return.  If a student is absent for more than one day, a 24 hour notice is required for make-up work to be prepared.  Students absent for one day will make up work upon their return to school.  Students who miss 10 consecutive days or more may be eligible for homebound instruction.

  • Media Center

    The media center has books, magazines, various digital resources, and pamphlets for assigned study and recreational reading. It is open for use during the entire school day. Students are encouraged to use the media center for reference work. There are special rules for reference books, magazines, and reserved books. The media staff and volunteers are always available to assist those who need help.

  • Parent Involvement

    PTA:  The Parent-Teacher Association is an active part of the school. All PTA programs, activities, and functions are dedicated to the best interest of the children. Please refer to the PTA section of the school website to learn about the many PTA activities and volunteer opportunities. You can also visit the PTA website at 

    School Council:  The purpose of the School Council is to develop and nurture parent participation, bring parents, community, and educators together to better understand and respect each other’s concerns, and to share ideas for school improvement. The Council consists of the principal, teachers, parents, and parents who are business representatives and is governed by guidelines established in Georgia Law. Meetings are open to the public and dates for meetings can be found on our school calendar. 

    Volunteers:  Volunteers are invaluable in helping meet the needs of students and staff.  They offer positive influences to promote character and wellbeing. We encourage volunteers to be active participants at Puckett’s Mill Elementary.  For the protection of all children, visitors must sign in through the office and wear a visitors badge throughout their visit.  Any visitor on campus without a sticker will be escorted to the office to sign in and get a sticker.  Please take care to dress appropriately when visiting the school. 

    Observation of School and Classrooms:  Parents may observe their children's class by appointment only.  During your observation, the regular school program must continue, so please do not expect the teacher to hold a conference with you at this time. As a courtesy, please make an appointment with the teacher 24 hours in advance for classroom observations. At the principal’s discretion, an administrator may accompany the parent during the observation. Observations may last up to one hour – not to exceed two per semester.  After lunch visits with your child, please allow him/her to return to the classroom to resume instruction.

  • Parties

    School-wide:  Policy permits two school-wide parties on days designated by the local school. PTA Room Representatives plan parties with the classroom teachers. 

  • Personal Property

    We request that large sums of money, expensive jewelry, and electronics not be brought to school. An Acceptable Use Policy form must be signed by a parent for a student to bring their own device to school (including cell phones).  Cell phones are permitted at school but may only be used for educational purposes while on school grounds. Weapons and laser pointers are strictly forbidden. Knives of any kind should not be brought to school.  Knives having a blade of two or more inches are considered a felony weapon and should not be brought to school. Articles brought to school that are inappropriate will be forwarded to the office. Selling items or exchange of money between students is not allowed.

  • Pictures

    Individual pictures will be taken in the fall and spring. Group pictures will also be taken in the spring. Parents can expect more information as the scheduled dates approach.

  • Redo Policy

    Belief: Teachers at Puckett’s Mill Elementary (PMES) are responsible for providing intervention strategies for all students not progressing satisfactorily (73% or below).  Teaching and learning is an ongoing cycle.  However, opportunities to relearn will not always result in a grade change.

    At the teacher’s discretion, and within two weeks of the grade being posted on the “Portal”, additional opportunities for reassessment (which may include alternative tasks, projects, corrections or teacher interview) will be provided in the areas of greatest need for that student. Students are responsible for requesting a Re-do Ticket (student document for reassessment).

    After the Re-do Ticket is submitted, reassessment will occur.  There is no set minimum grade requirement for students to redo work. If the student demonstrates improved mastery, a grade change will be submitted reflecting the new grade (maximum 2 redos per semester, per subject). Due to grade submission timelines, reassessment opportunities will not be provided the final week of each grading period.

  • Registration/Records/Withdrawal

    Registration:  School officials must require the parent or guardian to provide proof of residency in the district and attendance zone at the time a student is initially enrolled in a school. A copy of the birth certificate, Georgia Immunization form, Vision, Hearing, and Dental form and two proofs of residency will be required for initial registration. A copy of the student’s social security number is not required and a waiver is available on the enrollment form. Students will not be placed on a class list until all registration requirements have been completed.  Visit our website at for registration information.

    Records Release:  Copies of a student’s educational record may be transferred to officials of other schools or school systems in which the student seeks to enroll.

    Parental Rights:  Under the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, parents have several rights. These include: the right to inspect and review their child’s educational records; the right to challenge the content of those records; the right to control the release of the educational records of their child; the right to complain to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Office about the school’s failure to comply with the law; and the right to be informed of these rights just listed. To obtain a copy of Gwinnett County’s policies on their compliance with the law, contact the school. To request an opportunity to inspect and review your child’s records, contact the school.

    Withdrawal: It is helpful to have at least a twenty-four hour notice when a student withdraws. This gives the teacher time to finalize grades and determine if all textbooks and library books have been turned in and fees paid.  If such notice is not provided, we may be unable to immediately give the parent the withdrawal information necessary for entrance into another school.

  • Safety and Security

    The safety and security of our students and faculty are of upmost importance.  At Puckett’s Mill Elementary, we have a Visitor Management System.  This system requires visitors to be buzzed into the school.  During normal arrival and dismissal times, the front doors of the school will be open.  Once the school day begins, all doors will be locked and visitors will need to press the bell button to gain entry to the school.  All visitors will need to present a valid ID to be processed through the RAPTOR system to receive a visitor badge. Visitors should wear the badge in a visible area throughout their time in the building.  When visitors are ready to leave, they should exit the school building through the main entrance and officially check out.

  • Spirit Day

    Spirit Days are held each Friday. On these days, students and staff members are encouraged to wear their Puckett’s Mill spirit wear. 

  • Student Behavior and Management

    Goal of Student Management and Discipline:  The goal of student management is to provide the best learning environment and instructional program possible for every Puckett’s Mill student. We hope to achieve this goal by helping each child learn to take responsibility for his or her behavior choices and by expecting each student to demonstrate consistently appropriate school behaviors. Our Puckett’s Mill school-wide expectations are as follows:     

          * Be Ready                   * Be Respectful             * Be Responsible 

    Classroom Expectations:  Classroom management is the responsibility of each teacher. Each teacher will determine expectations specific to his or her classroom by creating a SOAR matrix that communicates the expectations.  Students will also be expected to follow the schoolwide matrix (SOAR Matrix). Teachers will communicate their expectations to students and share them with parents through PTA Curriculum Night, conferences, and regular home-school communication channels. 

    Interventions and Consequences:  Teachers will contact parents if behavior becomes a concern. Serious infractions are dealt with immediately in the office. Consequences for misbehavior will be determined by administrators.  When students are referred to an administrator, parents will receive a copy of the discipline referral form. 

    Communication:  Teachers will communicate with parents every Friday regarding weekly conduct and work habits.  Students in all grades will bring home a Choice Card or other Conduct/Work Habits sheet weekly in the Friday Folder.

  • Student Recognition

    Puckett’s Mill students are recognized throughout the year for academic excellence and exemplary behavior. Students may be acknowledged through the following awards: 

    Achievement (1st-5th) :  Principal’s Award (1st-5th grade) All A’s as well as E or S in special areas and conduct, (All E's for 1st grade), Soaring High Award (2nd-5th) All A’s and B’s as well as E or S in special areas and conduct.  These awards are given at the end of each semester. 

    Teachers can also recognize students with other classroom incentives.

  • Technology

    As part of our efforts to provide high quality educational experiences at Puckett’s Mill, our students have access to many instructional technology tools.  With the privilege of use comes the obligation to use the equipment responsibly. Students are responsible for good behavior on the school computer network. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Any member of the staff may suspend specific user access. Use of the Internet must support education and be consistent with the academic expectations of Puckett’s Mill Elementary School. Students will access approved “safe” sites only. Parents and students will be asked to read and sign our school’s Acceptable Use Policy during Curriculum Night.

    In the event that a student is found to be in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy, the student will incur the following consequences:

              First Offense:  Student will receive a warning

              Second Offense:  Student will incur a loss of technology for one (1) week

              Third Offense:  Student will incur a loss of technology for the remainder of the school year


    Gwinnett's digital Content, Learning, Assessment and Support System, called MYeCLASS, provides our school with an integrated learning management system to enhance student engagement and learning.  Through MYeCLASS, students, parents, and teachers have the digital tools they need to expand the walls of the classroom, foster collaboration, and nurture creativity.  Parents are encouraged to check eCLASS at least twice a week for student assignments and read the weekly teacher newsletters.  Resources for  students and parents on MYeCLASS include online textbooks, research tools, access to grades, a safe and secure search engine on the Media Catalog, resources and teacher course pages.  Teachers post news, learning activities, curriculum updates, homework, discussion boards, links, and other helpful resources.  MYeCLASS encourages digital competence for all students, while increasing opportunities for instruction and differentiation within and beyond the classroom.   All use of digital tools and devices must comply with our responsible use policy.

  • Transportation

    GCPS transportation department will issue all students a book bag tag indicating how they are to be dismissed each afternoon. Teachers will complete tag information after confirmation from parents at the beginning of the school year. Any time a student’s transportation routine changes, the school must be notified in writing (see Change of Transportation section below for more details). Please do not rely on e-mail messages to teachers as they may not have the chance to check messages prior to dismissal.

    Bus Riders:  Riding a bus to and from school is a privilege.  Students will be expected to ride their designated bus. Students annually receive instruction in safe riding procedures. Each bus driver has complete charge of pupils riding the bus. Students who refuse to obey the school bus safety guidelines shall forfeit their right to ride the bus.

    Car Riders:  The car rider line is open at 7:45 AM and will close at 8:10 AM.  Parents who arrive after the car rider line closes must park in the main lot and accompany their child to the front office. Please allow ample time to get thru the car rider line so that your student is in their classroom prior to 8:15.  If your student arrives to the classroom after 8:15, they are counted as tardy.  The car rider line reopens in the afternoon from 2:45 PM – 3:10 PM. All parents delivering and picking up children must use the side driveway for the safety of our children -the front drive is strictly reserved for buses. Students must enter and exit through vehicle doors on the right side closest to the sidewalk.  Each car in the car rider line must have a car rider number. If you have misplaced your number, please request a new one from the office at a charge of $5. Parents arriving without car rider tags will be asked to park, report to the front office, and show proof of identification.

    **Please note - students in car rider should be able to independently enter and exit the vehicle without adult assistance.  Drivers should remain in the car at all times.

    Change of Transportation 

    If your child has a change of transportation on any given day (different from their usual mode of transportation at dismissal), please complete and submit the Transportation Change Request form located on our school website.  Please submit the form to your child’s teacher or to the front office no later than 12 noon.

  • GCPS Student Conduct Behavior Code

     The following rules apply when an elementary student in grades K-5 is: 

    • On the school bus;
    • Off school grounds at a bus stop, on a school bus, at a school activity, function, or event;
    • Either the alleged perpetrator or the alleged victim is en route to and/or from school, or to or from a school activity or function; or
    • Off school grounds while the student is in attendance at any school function or is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of school authorities. 

    1. Students will not interrupt learning and teaching. 
    2. Students will not damage or attempt to damage or take or attempt to take the property of the school. 
    3. Students will not damage or attempt to damage or take or attempt to take the personal property of others. 
    4. Students will not threaten, hit, kick, bite, bump, push, pull hair, pinch, hurt, or use disrespectful language with staff (administrators, teachers, bus drivers, etc.). 
    5. Students will not hit, kick, bite, bump, push, pull hair, pinch, hurt, or use disrespectful language with other students or any other person not employed by the school. Fighting on the school bus may result in suspension from school and/or riding the bus. 
    6. Students will not possess or use weapons, whether assembled or disassembled guns (including toy guns), knives, firecrackers, etc. whether toy, operational or not operational if a person could reasonably perceive the object to be a weapon or if the object is a destructive device. 
    7. Students will not possess, use, or distribute alcohol or drugs or any substances they represent to be alcohol or drugs. 
    8. Students will not disobey directions or commands of teachers, principals, bus drivers, etc. 
    9. Students will not expose or touch himself, herself, or others inappropriately including private areas of the body. 
    10. Students will not miss school or class without an excused absence. 
    11. Students will not exhibit unsafe and/or inappropriate conduct at any time including the use of any electronic device or mirror, laser, flash camera, or any other light device during the operation of a school bus or during school hours except as permitted. 
    12. Severe or repeated violations of school rules may result in a parental conference and/or discipline review committee meeting. 
    13. Each student must obey all rules of bus safety.

  • Mill Creek Cluster Schools

    Mill Creek Cluster Schools

    Duncan Creek Elementary                                                      

    4500 Braselton Highway                                                                         

    Hoschton, GA 30548                                                                                           


    Principal: Carrie Yougel                                                                                 


    Fort Daniel Elementary                                                                                 

    1725 Auburn Road                                                                                               

    Dacula, GA 30019                                                                                              


    Principal: Dr. Barbara Tucker                                                  


    Puckett’s Mill Elementary School

    2442 S. Puckett’s Mill Road

    Dacula, GA 30019


    Principal: Lisa Rhodes


    Osborne Middle School

    4404 Braselton Highway

    Hoschton, GA 30548


    Principal: Kenney Wells


    Mill Creek High School

    4400 Braselton Highway

    Hoschton, GA 30548


    Principal: Jason Lane

    The officers, employees and officials identified in these procedures are charged with using their personal judgment and deliberation in executing the functions and tasks set forth herein and nothing in the procedures should be construed or interpreted to create any ministerial duties on behalf of any officer, employee or official.