Corley Elementary School
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- Corley ES
- My Payments Plus
My Payments Plus is a multi-purpose website we use here at Gwinnett County Public Schools. Once you create an account, you can use the site to pay for school lunches and field trips or to review and sign important documents. For help registering for an account, you can watch this quick how to video. For help with reviewing and signing documents, watch this how to video.Need help? Call the MPP Parent Support Phone Number: 1-877-237-0946 or visit the GCPS MPP Help Page
General Help
Parent Account Setup - Multilingual (Quick Reference Guide)
HowtoCreateaMyPaymentsPlusParentAccountQuickReferenceGuideMultilingual.pdf 820.22 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022)
MPP Parent Account Setup – English (Detailed)
HowtoCreateaMyPaymentsPlusParentAccountDetailedEnglish.pdf 532.89 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022) -
Adding a Student to an Existing MPP Account -ENGLISH
HowtoaddastudenttoanexistingaccountinMPPscreenshotsENGLISH.pdf 265.03 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022) -
Acknowledge Orientation Agreements and Title I Documents
AcknowledgingOrientationAgreementsandTitleIDocumentsPDFEnglish.pdf 751.91 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022) -
How to View Signed Electronic Documents
ParentInstructionsonViewingSignedElectronicDocumentsEnglish.pdf 515.07 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022)
French (Français)
Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
Cách tạo tài khoản phụ huynh trên MyPaymentsPlus
HowtoCreateaMyPaymentsPlusParentAccountDetailedVietnamese.pdf 639.44 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022) -
Cách xem các tài liệu điện tử có chữ ký
ParentInstructionsonViewingSignedElectronicDocumentsVietnamese.pdf 525.72 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022)
Spanish (Español)
Como crear una cuenta para padres de familia en MyPaymentsPlus
HowtoCreateaMyPaymentsPlusParentAccountDetailedSpanish.pdf 746.29 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022) -
Guía de padres de familia para revisar y aceptar los convenios de orientación escolar y los document
Spanish.MyPaymentsPlusParentOrientationAgreementInstructions.pdf 794.31 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022) -
Como ver documentos electrónicos firmados
ParentInstructionsonViewingSignedElectronicDocumentsSpanish.pdf 626.76 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022)
Korean (한국인)
ParentInstructionsonViewingSignedElectronicDocumentsKorean.pdf 550.46 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022) -
자녀의 학교 관련 비용 납부를 위한MyPaymentsPlus 학부모 계좌를 만드시려면
HowtoCreateaMyPaymentsPlusParentAccountDetailedKorean.pdf 585.56 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022)
Chinese (中国人)
如何创建 MyPaymentsPlus 的家长帐户
HowtoCreateaMyPaymentsPlusParentAccountDetailedChinese.pdf 593.01 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022) -
ParentInstructionsonViewingSignedElectronicDocumentsChinese.pdf 548.44 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2022)