Clinic Contact

  • Puckett's Mill Elementary
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"

General Information

  • Clinic Forms/Medical Plans: 

    Students with conditions which require monitoring during the school day (i.e. asthma, diabetes, severe allergies, seizures, etc.) will need an UPDATED Medical Plan completed each school year by a parent/guardian.  Diabetic, Allergy and Asthma plans require more than one form to be completed if emergency medications will be required in the clinic.  Please fill out the Administration of Medication Request Form, as well. For all health plan forms, please contact the clinic directly. (Diabetes Medical Management Plan signed by a physician is required for diabetic students.)


    Administering medication (prescribed and over-the-counter) during school hours is discouraged, but if the student needs medication at school, a parent/guardian must complete an Administration of Medication Request Form.  All medications MUST be in the original container (and/or with prescription label attached) and stored in the clinic.  Medication brought in baggies or envelopes will not be accepted. All medications must be brought to the clinic by a parent/guardian and not transported by the student for safety precautions. This includes cough drops.

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