McClure Health Science High School
Learning Well
- McClure Health Science HS
- General Economic Resources
General Economic ResourcesThese agencies may help with utilities, rent, and/or other financial assistance on a limited basis. Please call for more specific information.
GCPS does not endorse or recommend any of the above agencies, as this list is for informational use only. Any fees incurred are the responsibility of the parent and/or student. This is not a complete list of assistance resources in Gwinnett or the Metro Atlanta Area. Please check with other sources of information for additional resources.
Economic Resources
Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry
Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry
Phone: 770-339-7887
- Hours: Mon. 6-8 PM—Food Only, Sat. 10 AM-Noon—Food only, Wed. & Fri. 10 AM-2 PM. You must arrive at the Co-Op at least 30 minutes prior to closing to assure that you will be seen that day.
- All seeking assistance must have picture ID and proof of residence for Lawrenceville or Dacula.
- Food: Clients may receive food from the Co-Op once every 30 days. Each time you come to the Co-Op, you must bring a current piece of mail to prove that you still live within our service area (Lawrenceville and Dacula). The postmark or date must be within the last 30 days.
- Prescription Drugs: $75 max per 12 months.
- Emergency Utility Bill Financial Assistance: Once per 12 months, we will pay the last $100 of a utility bill. You must bring cash or money order for the portion over $100 with you. Our check is made payable directly to the service provider. (For example, if the bill is $156, client brings money order or cash for $56 and Co-Op gives client a check made out directly to Utility Company.)
- Clothing: Clothing vouchers may be used monthly for up to two years. To receive a clothing voucher, clients must have a picture ID and current proof of residency in Lawrenceville or Dacula.
- Emergency Shelter: In emergency situations for homeless families with children, the Co-op may be able to pay for a temporary stay in a local motel.
Department of Family and Children Services
Department of Family and Children Services
Phone: 1-877-423-4746
To complete a child-care, TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid application and/or to update information, go online to Georgia Gateway.
- Offices in Gwinnett—Please note you cannot leave messages on either of these phone lines and they direct you to the information above.
- Lawrenceville (Main County Office) 678-518-5500
- Norcross (Satellite Office) 770-441-8800
- Offices in Gwinnett—Please note you cannot leave messages on either of these phone lines and they direct you to the information above.
Partnership for Community Action
Partnership for Community Action
Phone: 404-537-4300 or 770-256-3548
- Hours: Gwinnett Office: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm— Appointment Only.
- Low income Energy Assistance Program, Employment Services, Microenterprise Development Program (to assist new and existing small businesses).
- PCA's Low Income Energy Assistance Program for the 20142015 year has not been posted. The program usually reopens at the end of October. Please check the website for new information.
St. Vincent de Paul
Phone: 678-892-6163
- Contact the main assistance line above for direct help or email.
- Trained home visitors, commonly called Vincentians, conduct face-to-face meetings generally in the client’s residence to understand the clients’ circumstances first-hand and determine the appropriate assistance. The Society provides financial assistance for a range of needs including: Medical/dental/prescriptions, Counseling, Rent and housing, Utilities, Food, Legal fees, Transportation, and Burials.
Salvation Army
Phone: 770-724-1661
- Individuals must schedule an appointment through the above number. Office is open M-F 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm.
- Share Financial Emergency Services, Project Hope Mortgage and Medical Assistance, Home Sweet Home Program and more—Please call above number to make an appointment and/or visit website for more information.
- All four of these statements must be true to be eligible:
- Applicant is experiencing a crisis that threatens the utility service, housing, employment, health, safety, or stability of the household or its individual members.
- Applicant rarely experiences a serious financial crisis requiring outside assistance.
- Applicant will, as a result of this assistance, receive meaningful and long-term relief from the threat/crisis.
- Applicant is, under the circumstances, making a reasonable financial contribution toward the expenses in question.
Travelers Aid / Hope Atlanta Program
Travelers Aid / Hope Atlanta Program
Phone: 404-817-7070 x 121
- Must meet eligibility and have certain documents. Please call first.
- Programs and Services include: Emergency Shelter/Lodging Program. Reunification, Transitional Housing Program, Homelessness Prevention, Regionwide Outreach Program, HIV/Aids Program, Domestic Violence Program, Eviction Prevention, Housing for Chronically Homeless, Supportive Services, Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities, Support Services for Veterans Families, Airport Meet and Greet Services.
General Help Lines
First Call for Help (United Way)
Phone: 211 or 404-614-1000Gwinnett Helpline
Phone: 770-995-3339