- Pinckneyville MS
- Grading
Sixth and Seventh Grade
The guideline for promotion from Sixth grade to Seventh grade and from Seventh Grade to Eighth Grade is: Students should pass five out of six subjects each semester. (Language Arts and Mathematics should be two of the five subjects passed.) Passing a course is determined by the student earning a grade average of no less than 70 percent each semester. (Yearly averages of 70 percent or higher in each core subject may be considered in making promotion decisions.) For promotion of a LEP student, the SST should also consider the student's progress on his/her English Learner Proficiency Plan and the student's growth in academic language proficiency on ACCESS.
Eighth Grade
The guideline for promotion from Eighth grade to Ninth grade is: Students should pass five out of six subjects each semester. (Language Arts and Mathematics should be two of the five subjects passed.) Passing a course is determined by the student earning a grade average of no less than 70 percent each semester. (Yearly averages of 70 percent or higher in each core subject may be considered in making promotion decisions. If this option is being considered the principal should contact their Assistant Superintendent.)
Students taking Algebra I who do not meet the math requirement for promotion should retake Algebra I in high school to meet graduation requirements. For these students, other measures of academic progress may be used to determine promotion.
Eighth grade students should score Grade Level or Above on the Reading and Vocabulary domain of the Language Arts Georgia Milestones End of Grade (EOG) Assessment and achieve the performance level of developing or higher on the Mathematics Georgia Milestones EOG.
Middle school students should be designated as "promoted" by middle school personnel to enroll in the 9th grade.