• Technology


    Please be aware of the following Pinckneyville Middle School guidelines for cell phones and other electronic devices for the upcoming school year. Consequences will be given to students who violate school guidelines.

    • Cell phones/electronic devices must not be used, seen or heard during the school day unless directed by a teacher. This applies to non-instructional times such as lunch, class changes, etc. (Please note that simply turning a phone or electronic device to silent does not comply with this guideline.)
    • In the event that a cell phone or other electronic device is lost or stolen, the school is not responsible for retribution nor are we obligated to investigate.
    • If confiscated, cell phones will be placed in the front office for parents to retrieve. Cell phones may only be retrieved during normal office hours (8:15 AM – 4:15 PM).

    Chromebook/Computer Use

    Chromebook/Computer use and access is a privilege. Failure to respect the equipment and the rules may result in the loss of this privilege.

    • Students are not permitted to check personal email, access chat rooms, or other forms of social media.
    • Internet access is available for school research only using approved search engines.
    • Students are not permitted to download and/or play unauthorized games.
    • Food, gum, candy or drinks are not permitted in the computer labs or around any student workstations.
    • Students are expected to show respect for the equipment in the labs, classrooms and Media Center.
    • Students are not permitted to change any settings on the Chromebook/computer or the monitor.
    • Students must logout of the Chromebook to protect student work.

    Abuse of technology privileges may result in the loss of the internet and/or technology access at school.