• Attendance


    Regular school attendance is essential for a quality education. To be successful in school, students must be on time to school, remain in school until the end of the day, and be at school every day possible. We encourage you to make every effort to schedule dental and doctor appointments before/after regular school hours. Students arriving after 9:20 AM are counted tardy. In order to be counted present, a student must attend at least half of the school day. The time of 12:30 PM is the half-day mark, and students checked out prior to this time will be marked absent for the day.


    In the case of an absence from school, a student is required to bring a written excuse from his or her parents/ guardians stating the reason for the absence. This excuse must be submitted to the grade level office; excuse notes received beyond three school days after the absence will not be accepted.

    State law recognizes the following reasons as excused absences:

      • Personal illness
      • Serious illness or death in the immediate family
      • Recognized religious holidays observed by your faith
      • Absences mandated by governmental agencies
      • Instances where attendance would be hazardous
      • Students who serve as a Page in the Georgia General Assembly
      • Students whose parents are being deployed or on leave from military service

    When absent, students need to make up work or follow other arrangements granted by the teacher. In case of an extended illness, parents should contact the counselors to determine if the services of a teacher are required.

    Family trips and outside extracurricular activities (i.e., piano competitions, soccer tournaments, family vacation, scouting events, etc.) are deemed unexcused and must be recorded as such. Students will be considered truant after 5 unexcused absences. Parents and students will receive notification by letter if chronic absentee problems occur. Also, students who are 14 and older with 10 or more unexcused absences will be unable to obtain, keep or renew a driver’s or learner’s permit. (Please see the GCPS Student Handbook for further details regarding attendance.)


    When a student arrives late to school, they must check-in at the station in the front lobby. It is not necessary for parents to accompany students into the building; however, the school must have a note indicating why they are late. The note, including the student’s full name, grade level, and homeroom teacher’s name, should be left at the grade level office in the designated box. Once the student completes the check-in process, the computer will generate a hall pass to admit the student to class.


    If a student is to be checked out prior to dismissal, parents must come to the office before 3:30 PM and ask the school receptionist to call for the student. The parent must sign the student out before the student can leave the building. Proper identification is required.