• Arrival and Dismissal

    SCHOOL HOURS: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    Students are expected to be at school on time. Students are not to arrive at school before the 8:55 AM morning bell, nor linger after dismissal unless they have a specific purpose and are under the supervision of a teacher. When students arrive at school after 9:20 AM, they must check in at the front desk with a note indicating the reason for tardiness to school.


    Students are considered tardy after 9:20 AM. Students who accumulate excessive unexcused tardies are subject to disciplinary action.


    In case of inclement weather, please listen to your local radio and television stations or check the school district website at www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us for official school cancellation information. School Messenger will also be utilized to send information via email, text, and phone.


    If students ride a bicycle to school, it should be placed in the bicycle rack located near the two-story building. Students should lock their bikes and secure their helmets. Supervision will be provided during the afternoon dismissal to encourage student safety. Skateboards, roller blades, and skate shoes are prohibited on school grounds. Pinckneyville Middle School is not responsible for a bike if stolen.


    Most students ride the bus and we strongly encourage this mode of transportation. Our school buses use the circular driveway on the far right of the building.


    • Pinckneyville Middle strives to support the Gwinnett County Public Schools Transportation Program and ensure that students are escorted to and from school in a safe environment. School transportation is a privilege and all students are required to obey the bus conduct rules posted in each bus.
    • Failure to observe the rules can result in the suspension of bus privileges. Bus drivers receive training on proper discipline procedures to maintain an orderly atmosphere on their bus. Part of the discipline plan includes sending home parent notification forms in the event of student misbehavior on the bus. If a student continues to misbehave, the driver may write a bus referral for the student. A Pinckneyville Middle administrator will investigate the referral and issues consequences as warranted. Consequences for misbehavior on the bus may be suspension from riding the bus.


    • Bus Referral Level I:  Administrative conference - 5 day suspension from bus
    • Bus Referral Level II:  6 or more days suspension from bus
    • Bus Referral Level III: Tribunal

    While suspended from the bus, parents/students must arrange for transportation to and from school. Compulsory school attendance requirements remain in effect.


    • Car riders will be dismissed shortly after 4:00 PM. School buses will use the circular driveway to the far right facing the building, while parents who provide transportation for their children will follow established procedures published by the school.
    • Parents picking up their children should not park in nearby neighborhoods to wait for their children.


    • When walkers are dismissed after 4:00 PM, they should exit the building and immediately begin their journey home. Students who walk with buddies should plan to meet at the top of the hill and away from the school entrances. Students should be respectful of the school’s neighbors and surrounding community, remaining on sidewalks at all times. Students who walk to the YMCA should report directly to meet their escort in the designated area when walkers are called.
    • Students and parents should make end of the day transportation arrangements prior to dismissal. Should parents need to communicate a change in afterschool transportation, they are asked to contact the front office prior to 3:30 PM. Students are expected to be picked up from school no later than 4:30 PM unless they are attending an extracurricular activity.

    Procedure to change after-school transportation:

    • Riding home on a different bus: This is a process for emergency situations only. Students must provide a written note signed by a parent/guardian stating they will take a different bus home that afternoon.  Students must bring this note to the front office before 9:30 AM. Front office personnel will then call the parent/guardian to verify the note. The student will be given a bus pass only after the confirmation has been made. If the note cannot be verified, then the student cannot ride on a different bus. This procedure also applies if a student will be riding his/her regular bus home but will be getting off at a different stop.