- McKendree ES
- Title I Documents
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Title I Documents
Title I Planning Meeting
Please review the materials and recording from our Title I Planning Workshop. Below, you will find the link to access the Zoom meeting if you plan to attend virtually. If you plan to attend in person, we will be meeting in the media center. You will also find survey links and resources that you will need to access during tomorrow's meeting.
Zoom Meeting:
Below, you will find all links you will need to access during the meeting. The links are listed in order as they will appear in the presentation. The links highlighted in YELLOW are survey links. Please provide input when instructed to do so. The links in GREEN are reference documents for you to have. No action needed on the green links.
at start of meeting:
Reference Material:
Plan/Promise – English/Spanish Version
School Goals Survey
The Plan/The Promise Survey
Budget Survey
Input on child’s learning Survey
GCPS Plan Survey
1% Survey
Thank you for taking the time to engage in conversations related to supporting our McKendree family.