McKendree Elementary School

Expecting Excellence, Making a Difference

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  • Early Learning Programs

    Play 2 Learn - is designed for children birth to age 5 and their parents/caregivers. This is a weekly 90 minute program that focuses on building capacity in parents to be their child’s first teacher, exposing children to a high quality school environment, providing social opportunities for children and increasing their access to books and resources.  

    Play 2 Learn @home- is designed for learning without ever leaving the home.  This program provides videos that model for parents great ways to read books and teach concepts in all subject areas using everyday items that can be found in the home.

    Gwinnett Building Babies’ Brains- is a community initiative that provides parents with the information they need to be their child’s first and best teacher.

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Mission and Vision

  • McKendree Motto

    “Expecting Excellence, Making a Difference” 

    McKendree Vision

         McKendree Elementary School will become a challenging environment that motivates students to become responsible, productive citizens and lifelong learners. 

    McKendree Mission

         The mission of McKendree Elementary School is to be a school that prepares students to accept the challenges of a changing world by arming them with the skills of problem-solving, critical thinking, academic knowledge, and the citizenship attributes of empathy and social conscience that will enable them to become competitive and cooperative citizens. 

    McKendree Beliefs 

    • We believe in the intrinsic value and dignity of all people. 

    • We believe in creating a climate that promotes responsibility, self-discipline, citizenship, and motivation in our students. 

    • We believe in the partnership of the home, school and community in educating the whole child. 

    • We believe in developing high but achievable goals for each child. 

    • We believe in establishing high standards of learning and performance for all students. 

  • Principal Courtney Bernardo

    Principal, Courtney Bernardo