• Parent Guide to PBIS at Brookwood Elementary

  • What is PBIS?

    Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a process for creating a school environment that is predictable and effective for achieving academic and social goals. PBIS will serve to enhance our current systems and practices.

  • Our Mission Statement

    The mission of the Brookwood Elementary PBIS Team is to explicitly teach expected student behaviors, reteach when necessary, and consistently recognize positive behavior throughout the school.

  • What are the Core Values at BES?

    We are Respectful

    We are Responsible

    We are Ready

  • How Does It Work?

    • Direct instruction from staff of expected behaviors will occur throughout the school year.
    • All students will follow a consistent set of rules and expectations throughout all areas in the school.
    • These rules and expectations are displayed as a matrix which is posted in hallways, classrooms, and the cafeteria.
    • When students follow the rules and expectations, they are recognized by staff with Golden Tickets that can be traded in for prizes throughout the school year
    • When students do not follow the rules, there are planned interventions to help them get back on track.