GIVE West Announcements - Scroll down for more information
GCPS Attendance Policy and Forms
Required Registration Documents, Status Change, Student Parking Request, Department of Driver Services, Work Permit
Title I Annual Parent Meeting September 23, 1:10 PM
Title I Planning Meeting September 23rd at 1:10 PM in the Media Center
Supporting Students and Improving Schools
Helping our students graduate on time and thrive in college, in their career, and in life.
Permissive Transfer
Would you like to to transfer from your assigned school to GIVE West? Fill out this form.
News Stories
GIVE West T-Shirts
GIVE Center West T-Shirts and Hoodies can be worn in place of the white collared shirt.
Exiting Students
Before you exit: Return all library books and textbooks, pay all charges in the cafeteria, and complete the exit letter
Dr. Kelly Walter, Principal
Our Mission:
The mission of GIVE Center West is to provide a structured and supportive alternative school environment which holds high academic and behavioral standards and fosters excellence in GCPS academic knowledge and skills as measured against local, national, and world-class standards.
Vision Statement:
The vision of GIVE Center West is to become a model alternative school which achieves measurable gains in students' academic knowledge and skills in order to enable them to make positive behavioral choices, return to their home school, graduate, and become productive citizens.
Our Goal:
The ultimate goal of the GIVE Center is to provide each student with the tools and skills needed to transition seamlessly back to the home school in better academic and behavioral standing than when the student arrived at GIVE West.