Digital Learning Days

  • Emergency Digital Learning Day- for days when weather/events prevent teaching in-person:

    A Digital Learning (DL) Day is intended to replace a snow (or other weather-related) make up day in the event that we have already used all of the planned make up days. If GCPS decided to hold a "DL" Day, it would mean that the school building is closed for the day. However, the teachers would place work for students to complete at home (on the DL Day) on their eCLASS Course Pages.

    Pharr's Digital Learning Day Expectations


    *These are not the expectations for Digital Learning due to Covid-19.


  • My eCLASS (Student Portal) is an exciting tool to support teaching and learning in Gwinnett County Public Schools. 

    My eCLASS is comprised of online resources like textbooks, media research, Classworks, and an online learning platform. The online learning platform is the online vehicle teachers will be using to deliver lessons and activities. Students will log on to their My eCLASS account and visit their Course Pages to complete activities or submit work.

    eCLASS "How-To" Resources

    My eCLASS Login

    Directions for accessing into My eCLASS Course Pages