McClure Health Science High School
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Science Fair
2023 Science Fair Project Timeline
- Project plan and proposal is due by 9/29/2023 (Google Classroom by Group)
- Confirm a title with a topic with/without partners (limited to 3/group).
- Do research (online library research)
- Write questions, hypotheses, variables, and research
- Experimental design
- Get ready all materials to conduct the first trial, due by 10/13/2023 (Google Classroom by group)
- Modify some procedures, solve issues, and conduct 2nd trial due by 11/17/2023 (Google Classroom by Group)
- Paperwork is due by 10/23/2023 (Google Classroom by Group)
- Complete 1st trial and draft of the report due by 11/24/2023 (Google Classroom by Group)
Complete 3rd trial and draft of the report due by 12/15/2023 (Google Classroom by Group). - Complete Google slide report due by 01/12/24 (Google Classroom by Group)
Based on the template with Graphs and Charts, Analysis, and Conclusions due by - Presentations in a class completed by 01/15/2024
- Ready to present at school due by 1/18/2024
(Submit Project: Google slide report with the abstract to Dr. Shang)
- Project plan and proposal is due by 9/29/2023 (Google Classroom by Group)