- Harris ES
- Georgia Milestones Information
- The Georgia Milestones Assessment System is a comprehensive summative assessment program spanning grades 3 through high school.
- Georgia Milestones measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the state-adopted content standards in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
- Students in grades 3 through 8 will take an end-of-grade assessment in some, if not all of, the content areas of language arts, mathematics, science, social studies.
- Georgia Milestones is administered primarily on the computer and includes the following features:
- Technology-enhanced items in all grades and courses
- Open-ended (constructed response) items in English language arts in all grades and courses
- A writing component (in response to passages read by students) at every grade level and course within the English language arts assessment
- A reported Lexile score based on the English language arts assessment in all grades and courses, and estimated norm-referenced performance ranges for all grades and courses.
- Our entire school community has been working hard all year to equip students with the tools for success in their classes and to prepare them for a strong performance on the Georgia Milestones Assessment System End of Grade Assessment.
3rd Grade
Grade 3 EOG Study/Resource Guide
Grade 3 EOG Reading & Evidence-Based Writing Item and Scoring Samplers
Grade 3 EOG Narrative Item and Scoring Samplers
Third Grade EOG Daily Vocabulary and Practice Questions
IXL 3rd Grade ELA *limited to 10 problems per computer, per day
IXL 3rd Grade Math *limited to 10 problems per computer, per day
4th Grade
Grade 4 EOG Study/Resource Guide
Grade 4 EOG Reading & Evidence-Based Writing Item and Scoring Samplers
Grade 4 EOG Narrative Item and Scoring Samplers
Fourth Grade EOG Daily Vocabulary and Practice Questions
IXL 4th Grade ELA *limited to 10 problems per computer, per day
IXL 4th Grade Math *limited to 10 problems per computer, per day
5th Grade
Fifth Grade EOG Daily Vocabulary and Practice Questions
IXL 5th Grade ELA *limited to 10 problems per computer, per day
IXL 5th Grade Math *limited to 10 problems per computer, per day
IXL 5th Grade Science *limited to 10 problems per computer, per day
IXL 5th Grade Social Studies *limited to 10 problems per computer, per day
Experience Georgia: Online Testing Training
The Experience Online Testing site has 3 areas:
Documentation: This section provides written directions for the Test Practice area.
Tutorial: A short video provides students with directions for getting into the practice test and how to use the tool buttons within the test.
Test Practice: This will take you to the actual Test Practice Application. It is highly recommended that users view the Tutorial video first.
Test Practice Directions:
- Click on the white "Online Tools" words beneath the GREEN "End of Grade."
- Click on the white words "EOG Test Practice" on the top left corner.
- Click on Standard Online tools
- Click on Grades 3-5
- Sign in with the username and password they give you on the screen
- Click the Continue button and work your way through the practice area.
Please view the Experience Online Testing site using Google Chrome as your browser. This application is not supported for use in Internet Explorer. This site is available daily from 7 AM to 10 PM Eastern time.