Five Forks Middle School
Highest Level of Learning for All Students in All Classes
- Five Forks MS
- Brookwood Schools Foundation
General Information
Interested in Donating?
Click here to visit our the Brookwood Cluster Schools Foundation website, or drop off your donation, in an envelope marked Brookwood Schools Foundation, at the office of any cluster school.
Our Mission
The Brookwood Schools Foundation will provide private funding of innovative programs and creative teaching methods to enhance the learning opportunities for the students of Brookwood Cluster Schools.
Our Message
Through your generous contributions and support, the Brookwood Schools Foundation can continue to grow the number of high-quality, enhanced educational opportunities for our public schools. Building a “Tradition of Excellence in Education” will ensure a solid foundation for our children — our community’s future.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
Did you know that you can bid on amazing items on the Brookwood Schools Foundation Bidding for Good website? The entire cluster has great items and prizes up for auction, such as Principal for a Day, VIP or front row seats to major events and activities, priority parking spots, and more!