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School to Home Communication 

Please note that you may be missing critical information from our school and the district if you have not updated your contact information. Parents will not receive information in the following areas if the respective records are not up to date: 

  • Weekly School Newsletter sent to the email address listed in our student information system 
  • Report Cards, letters, and other information sent to the mailing address listed in our student information system 
  • Notifications from the district (text and call) sent to the phone number listed in our student information system (please note that the local schools do not have the ability to send texts and robocalls to parents) 

We are sending out our first Parent Newsletter for the 2021-2022 School Year on Monday, July 12th. Parents will receive this communication via email on the 12th and through regular mail later that week.  It is critical that all families have accurate contact information (mailing address, email address, and phone numbers) in order to stay informed and up to date regarding what is happening at Moore Middle School and within GCPS.  If you do not receive the Parent Newsletter by email or regular mail during the week of the 12th, it is likely that we do not have accurate contact information for you and that you will need to update your information as soon as possible.  Please contact the school at 678-226-7100 for more information on updating your records.