• volunteers make it happen

    On-going research shows that family and community engagement at school improves student achievement, attendance, and parent's confidence in their children's education.

    Centerville Elementary School is always in need of great volunteers like you!!!


    Thank you for wanting to volunteer at our school!
    1. First, carefully read the Mandated Reporter training. You will acknowledge this training through the volunteer application.

    2. Next, go to the online application, fill it out and submit it.


    If you want extra information regarding mandatory reporting, there is also free information on the Georgia Department of Education site.


    Volunteer Opportunities Include:

    • Room Parent
    • Special Projects
    • Classroom volunteer
    • Book Fair volunteer
    • Media Center volunteer
    • Car rider monitor
    • Cafeteria monitor
    • Bus lane monitor
    • Friday folder stuffer
    • Classroom reader (read to a class)
  • Daily Opportunities

    • Help shelve books in the media center.
    • Help make learning activities.
    • Help monitor students in the cafeteria.
    • Read to students.
    • Help with school celebrations and activities.

  • Guest Reader

    guest reader              guest reader in class

    Our Parent Center and Media Center collaborates together to host a Guest Reader Program.  Parents and community members are invited to read to students in their classrooms.

    Dont know what to read?  Dont worry!  We take all the guess work out of it and provide pre-selected books for you to choose from.

  • Local School Council


    Local School Councils (LSCs) across the state of Georgia are advisory groups, actively involved in public schools and dealing with issues related to the following:

    • Improving communication and participation of parents and the community in the management and operation of local schools;
    • Bringing communities and schools closer together in a spirit of cooperation to solve difficult educational challenges;
    • Improving academic achievement and providing support for teachers and administrators;
    • Bringing parents into the school-based decision-making process;
    • Bringing parents and the community together with teachers and school administrators to create a better understanding of and mutual respect for each other’s concerns; and
    • Sharing ideas for school improvement and student learning.


    The LSC will meet 4 times throughout the year to discuss how they can best meet the educational needs of our students. Please let us know if you would like to be a part of our LSC.  Your voice is needed!  Your involvement is welcome!

  • PTA

    Volunteers Wanted
    PTA is seeking individuals with drive to fill the vacant committee positions in both assistance and leadership roles for several standing (year-round) and special (one-time) committees. We need volunteers to run and assist the programs and activities. Please see our complete list of committees here

    If you or someone you know is interested in any of these leadership positions, please contact us at centervilleespta@gmail.com.  Don’t see one that is suited to your talents or your child’s needs? Then pitch your idea to the Executive Board of Directors by email or send a note in to your child’s teacher to be placed in the PTA mailbox. The Board meets the second Tuesday of the month.

    Our Children Need You
    Our PTA helps raise the much needed funds, support, and man-power for our students and the school staff. PTA also helps build strong community spirit by hosting and/or supporting various events all year long, and advocate for our children, Centerville Elementary, the Shiloh cluster, and Gwinnett County at any and every opportunity.


    For more information, click here.

    To become a PTA Member, click here.