- Norcross HS
- Career Exploration
College & Career Planning
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Career Exploration
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I Want To...
Whether you want to explore future careers that you may be interested in, join the military, or go directly to work after high school graduation, there are tons of free options available to you!
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Explore Potential Careers
Want help finding your career? A few things you can do on these websites are:
- Explore careers and career fields
- Take assessments to find out what career is best suited for you
- Learn about skilled trades
- Find colleges with your chosen major
- Save to a personal profile
Create a free account on:
Log into your eCLASS and select "My Career Plan" to access the GCIS program.
Go to Work After High School
There are tons of community resources that will
Help you find a job
Prepare you for the job search process
Build up job ready skills
Connect you to career certifications
Gwinnett County Public Library
Virtual Job Shadow: Found in on your eClass page
The Atlanta-Metro area is home to several organizations that place students in career programs:
Join the Military
The Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard are the armed forces of the United States. The Army National Guard and the Air National Guard are reserve components of their services and operate in part under state authority.
Steps to Joining The Armed Forces
- Find a local recruiter*
- Take the ASVAB exam
- Pass the Phyiscal exam
- Meet with a military counselor and discuss potential careers
*Military recruiters visit NHS lunches on a regular basis. Be sure to be on the lookout for them.
Learn more about the U.S. Armed Forces.