• Georgia Milestones Resources



    Picture of Georgia License Plate with text stating Georgia Milestones Resources

    GCPS GMAS Links

    Link to many more GMAS Resources- website by Melanie Rosen ED. Graphic above by Melanie Rosen.

    Link to GADOE Georgia Milestones End Of Grade Study/Resource Guides  

    To ensure that our students are ready to perform at their best on this task, we offer a few testing reminders:

    • Get a good night’s sleep before each testing day.
    • Try to avoid late sports practices or games, late night TV, and late night electronics. When students are rested they are able to concentrate and do their best on the test.
    • Eat a light, nutritious breakfast each morning before testing. 
    • Food is the fuel that powers the body and the brain. Fruits, carbohydrates (such as breads) and proteins (such as eggs) work best to give students testing energy.
    • Be in school each day and on time.
    • Schedule any doctor or dentist appointments in the late afternoon during the week of testing.  

Smarter Balanced

Learning Farm

  • Learning Farm Test Drive Georgia Products Math Reading Writing Science

Lumos Learning

  • Lumos Learning Logo  yellow background with apple containing txt stating Step Up

    FREE Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) end of-grade practice tests for students in grades 3 through 8 and end-of-course practice tests for High School students are available in Math and English Language Arts. Includes standards-aligned tech-enhanced questions that mirror Georgia Milestones testing items. 

    Link to Lumos Learning




  • NAEP Logo National Assessment of Educational Progress with yellow star and Letters NAEP

    After each assessment, NAEP releases dozens of sample questions to the public—more than 3,000 questions are currently available.

    Link to NAEP resources

Experience Online Testing Georgia