- Level Creek ES
- Testing & Promotion Criteria
Testing & Promotion Criteria
GCPS Testing Information
GCPS Testing & Promotion Information
Experience Online Testing Georgia
The Georgia Milestones tests measure what students in grades 3 through high school have learned. Many students will take the tests online.
​This practice site lets students see what testing online is like. Parents and educators are welcome to try it too. The items on the demonstration tests are general and are organized into three grade bands:
- Grades 3–5
- Grades 6–8
- High School Content Areas
The items do not necessarily represent the specific grade-level content that students learn daily in their classrooms. The primary purpose is to let students experience, firsthand, the functionality of the online testing platform. The sample tests are not graded.
​Technical documentation, tutorials, and a link to your online experience can be found at the following link:
Experience Online Testing Georgia
Additional Practice Sites:
End of Grade Study/Resource Guides
The study/resource guides are intended to serve as a resource for parents and students.
They contain practice questions and learning activities for each content area.
The standards identified in the study/resource guides address a sampling of the state-mandated content standards. -
End of Grade Assessment Guides
The assessment guides are provided to acquaint Georgia educators and other stakeholders with the structure and content assessed on the End of Grade (EOG) measures. These guides are not intended to substitute for the state-adopted content standards. The guides are a supplemental resource and are provided to complement, not replace, other instructional resources developed by the local school district or the example resources provided by the Curriculum and Instruction Division of the Georgia Department of Education. In principle, the EOG Assessment Guides are intended to be descriptive of the assessment program and should not be considered all-inclusive.
Georgia Milestones Test Blueprints
The test blueprints are designed to communicate the structure of the Georgia Milestones measures. The blueprints outline the types of items students will encounter on each grade and content area/course test, as well as the number of items and number of points possible (for those tests which include constructed-response items). The blueprints also outline the domains, which are reporting categories, and the associated content standards. The approximate percentage of points allocated to each domain is provided.