- Oakland Meadow
- Overview
Student Registration
Special Education Students currently enrolled in a Gwinnett County Public School:
Enrollment at Oakland Meadow School is determined by the IEP committee. Oakland Meadow School is a separate school within Gwinnett County Public Schools.
Students enrolling at Oakland Meadow School for the Medically Fragile/SID PID Program or EBD/MOID/ASD Program are typically registered at their local school initially. Once an IEP team has determined placement at Oakland Meadow School, parents/guardians can make an appointment with the Student Data Management Clerk. Parents/Guardians will need to bring a withdrawal form from their previous school to this appointment.
Medically Fragile/SID PID Students:
If a student is being enrolled at Oakland Meadow School as their home school, parents/guardians will need to bring the following information to their enrollment appointment:
- An official document showing proof of birth date
- Proof of residency
- A valid Georgia certificate of immunization (GA Form #3231)
- Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300-Rev. 2013)
- A photo ID for the adult registering the child
- Proof of authorized person to enroll
- Child’s social security number (or you may sign a waiver at the school)