- Buice Center
- Bridge Overview
BRIDGE Program Overview
The BRIDGE (Building Relationships in Discipline, Goals, and Education) program provides comprehensive educational and therapeutic support services to students who might otherwise require residential or other more restrictive placements due to the severity of one or more of the characteristics of the disability category of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) and others. The BRIDGE serves students through educational services and supports, academic instruction, behavioral intervention, therapeutic support (provided by in-house school psychologists, school social workers, and behavior specialists), collaboration with student’s home school, and interagency and parental support.
Our mission is to provide a safe, caring, therapeutic environment where students with educational, behavioral, and social challenges can best develop the skills and character necessary to rejoin their communities with success. We strive to provide individualized education that addresses students’ unique learning styles, cultivates independent thought, and promotes the building of character so students can learn to be citizens of a culturally diverse society.
BRIDGE Contact Information
Front Office 678-542-2346
Assistant Principal:
Brooke Ahlers, email Ms. Ahlers here
Lead Teachers:
Ashley Mikkelsen, email Ms. Mikkelsen here
BRIDGE Student Hours
Student Instruction: 7:10 a.m. - 1:40 p.m.
Community Skills buses depart: 10:00 a.m.
Community skills buses return: 12:00 p.m.
Please plan your student's appointments with these times in mind.
Assessment Coordinator
Christine Peevy, Assistant Principal
Testing Administrator
BRIDGE Assessments
BRIDGE Assessments & Guides
Assessment Expectations for BRIDGE Students
Students are expected to be Respectful, Responsible Role Models with regard to school assessments by meeting the following expectations.
- Follow directions of staff.
- Work quietly with effort on each test.
- Give a minimum of 30 minutes, actively engaged, for each test.
- Work quietly on the assigned task(s) given by the teacher after testing is completed.
- No Response Management Procedures (RMPs) during testing.
Tips to prepare your student for test time