Virtual Open House Information 2020
- Grace Snell MS
- Greetings from Principal Brown
Greetings Parents:
Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! We hope you and your family have enjoyed your summer. As previously announced, Gwinnett County Public Schools will begin the school year with digital instruction. To help you prepare for the start of school, please review the details provided below.
Open House/Orientation: Grace Snell Middle School’s Open House/Orientation will be held virtually for all 7th and 8th grade students. All 6th grade students will have the opportunity to drive through to meet their team of teachers. Please open this GSMS Open House to Parents link for more information. All students will have the opportunity to view pre-recorded videos and documents as a family when it works best for your schedule. We encourage all families to complete the virtual orientation between Friday, August 7th and Tuesday, August 11th, prior to the first day of school. GSMS Open House to Parents
Materials Distribution: We have a variety of materials that your child will need to support their digital learning. Please read over the directions for distribution and review the schedule attached and make arrangements to pick up materials on Friday August 7th for 6th Grade and Monday, August 10th for 7th and 8th grade. To expedite the distribution process, please follow your assigned time based upon your last name.
Meal Services: Gwinnett County Publics Schools will offer meals to students via curb-side pick-up. Students will be charged for meals based on eligibility (Free, Reduced, or Full Pay). Grace Snell MS will distribute meals via our bus lanes located in the back of the school. Parents will need their child’s student identification “badge” which we will provide at Materials Distribution. Parents are also encouraged to put money on your MyPayments account to support a safe transaction.
If your child participated in the Free/Reduced Lunch Program last year or have a need for this service this year, you must complete a new application.
This application is available on the Grace Snell MS website or the GCPS website (Free and Reduced Lunch Application 2020-2021).
Devices: It is the expectation that every student has a Chromebook or laptop to use during the regular school day. If you are in need of a chromebook, please call the school to have a device prepared and ready for you to pick up.
Attached is a sample of the student schedule so that you and your child are prepared for our first day of school on Wednesday, August 12th. Student Daily Learning Schedule
We are excited about the school year beginning and look forward to working with your family! Please know our teachers are working hard to prepare engaging lessons to meet the needs of your child through digital learning. If you have any questions, please contact us at 770-554-7750.
Your Proud Principal
Darlene Brown