Mission and Policies

  • Media Center Mission

    The mission of the Media Center is to support and augment the AKS, Common Core and promote lifelong learning and reading for pleasure.

    Media Center Policies

    • Students are welcome to use the Media Center for research for class assignments.
    • Students may check out two books for two weeks.
    • Students may check out one magazine for one week in lieu of one a book. Only one magazine may be checked out at a time.
    • Any overdue items must be returned and late fees paid ($.05 a day) before a student can check out another item.
    • Lost books must be paid for before a student may check out another book. Hardcover books cost $20 and paperback books cost $10 to replace. Magazines are $10 if lost.
    • Students who return damaged items will be assessed a fee relative to the amount or type of damage. If the book is unusable, then the replacement cost will prevail.
    • Reference materials are available for use in the Media Center
    • Overdue notices will be sent to the homeroom teacher weekly.
    • Students should first use the subscription databases for research projects. These are provide by GCPS free of charge for student use. Resources are available in the Student Portal.