Parent Student Handbook 2023-2024

  • Welcome to Nesbit Elementary School 


    We will pursue excellence in everything we do.


    To educate, equip, and empower

    NES Promise  

    Nesbit Elementary will be a high performing school where students, staff, and the community work collaboratively to create an environment where students are critical thinkers and problem solvers. Students will pursue excellence in all academic areas and develop essential skills that prepare them for college and careers. Students, staff, and the community of Nesbit Elementary will be committed to the belief that we are continuous learners and that failure is not an option. Teaching and learning with rigor and passion is our core business.

  • School Hours

    Our school hours for Nesbit Elementary are 8:15AM – 2:45PM. Students may arrive beginning at 7:35AM. School ends at 2:45PM and parents should arrive no later than 3:10PM. 

  • Car Rider

    Parents may sign up for a car rider number in the front office.  Parents or guardians are given two car rider numbers students will be released to adults who produce the car rider number. The school reserves the right to request ID if deemed necessary.

    The car rider line opens at 7:35AM. Parent drop-off closes at 8:05AM. Instruction will begin at 8:00 AM. If your child arrives after 8:00, you must come inside the front lobby of the school and sign him/her in with the receptionist. There is no adult supervision before or after these times. After care, services are not provided by the school. Students are to be picked up from school by 3:10. After 3:10, students must be picked up in the front office with proper identification. If students are not picked up by this time, the School Resource Officer may be contacted for further assistance. 

  • Attendance Policy

    All students are expected to be in attendance to be able to take advantage of the opportunity to learn. Teachers and counselors work closely with parents to ensure that children are prompt and present each day at Nesbit, except in the case of illness or emergency. If unsure you can contact the school clinic for further guidance/questions.

    If your child is absent, you must send a note to the teacher when your child returns to school. The absence is considered unexcused until a note is received.

    Parents will receive a letter from GCPS if a student misses 5 or more days of school. If a student misses 10 or more days, a letter is sent from a school leader. Students who miss more than 15 days will be referred to the social worker.

    If late arrivals to school and absences become excessive, a school official will contact you. A meeting will be scheduled with you to discuss your child's attendance issues and to determine a plan to help you get your child to school daily and on time.

  • School Registration

    Students at Nesbit Elementary School must reside within Nesbit's attendance area. Proof of residency must be verified each school year. If you are planning to move and want your child to remain enrolled at Nesbit, you will need to verify that the new residence is zoned for Nesbit prior to your move or complete an Application for Student Transfer form (this transfer request will be approved or denied by the principal). Students will be withdrawn if they are not currently living in the attendance area.

    Students found to be in violation of the residency requirement policy will be withdrawn. Parents of students found to live out of Gwinnett County may be referred to the School Resource Officer for collection of out of district fees for the time period the child remained in a Gwinnett School while living outside of the Gwinnett County School District.

  • Check Out Procedures

    If you need to check your child out of school early, please park in a parking spot and come into the front office. For security reasons, the front office will buzz you into the vestibule.  We will need to see proof of identification before releasing your child from school, so please plan to have identification with you.  Enter or scan your identification in the vestibule.  Your child will be called to the office to meet you as you sign him/her out. If you will ever need anyone else to check out or pick up your child, he/she must be listed on the clinic card, registration card, and the school information system as an emergency checkout person. ID will also be required of this person.  Visitors will not be allowed to enter the building unless they have a scheduled appointment or are meeting their child for lunch (see guidelines).

    Students will not be allowed to check out after 2:15 PM. After this time, you may request them to be a car-rider and pick them up in the car-rider lane behind the school. This allows us to have a safe and orderly school dismissal for all students.

  • Clinic Procedures

    The clinic is provided for school-related illnesses or injuries and is not meant to take the place of a child's personal physician. 

    Please do not send your child to school sick or with a note requesting that the teacher send the child to the clinic to be checked by the clinic worker. Never send any medications on the bus or with a child. The parent must bring all medications to the school clinic and fill out paperwork.

    If your child becomes sick or injured while at school, the school clinic worker will contact you. Please note that accurate and current information is critical in case of emergencies. A child must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. It is imperative that work, home, and emergency telephone numbers be on file and up to date. In an emergency situation, if a parent/guardian cannot be reached, an ambulance will be called. Parents or guardians will be responsible for all expenses incurred using an ambulance.

  • Birthday Parties

    Celebration of birthdays will be observed by allowing parents to provide snacks for the class during lunchtime. The snack should not include drinks. No birthday favors such as balloons, goodie bags, hats, etc. will be allowed. Please bring these snacks and leave them in the front office to be served during lunch. We do not allow invitations to birthday or sleepover parties to be distributed in the classroom unless EVERY student receives one.

  • Cafeteria Procedures

    Breakfast is served at Nesbit in our cafeteria from 7:40 AM to 8:15 AM. Student breakfast costs $1.50 and an adult breakfast costs $1.75. To encourage good nutrition, a well-balanced lunch is offered daily at a cost of $2.25 to students and $3.00 to adults. You may send cash daily or a check to cover a week/month. Please send this money in an envelope with your child's name, grade level, and teacher's name. You may also pay for lunches online using When a student forgets or loses lunch money, he/she may charge lunch for that day. A charge slip is sent home. If a student accumulates unpaid charges, he/she may lose the privilege of charging for lunch.

    Eligible students receive meals free or at a reduced price. Applications for these services are available on the Nesbit website: ( Applications must be filled out at the start of every new school year. Students must pay full price for meals until a free or reduced application is approved and any charges accrued prior to approval must be paid.

    Parents are invited to have lunch with their children. However, do not bring "fast food" into the cafeteria. When coming for lunch, please sign in at the Receptionist's desk, receive your visitor's pass and then wait outside the cafeteria door for your child's class to arrive.  Grades 1,3, and 5 may lunch with their students on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  PreK, Kindergarten, Grades 2 and 4 may lunch with their students on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

  • Visitation

    Any visitor with legitimate business on school grounds must complete the front door security procedures and request a visitor's pass. The visitor's pass must be clearly visible the entire time the visitor is on campus. To ensure the safety and confidentiality of students, Gwinnett County Public Schools limits classroom visitors to:


    • The parents/guardians (or court appointed guardians) of a student or other family members of current students who are approved by the student's parent/guardian; and those persons invited by the Gwinnett County Public Schools for official business.
    • The principal or designee may, at his/her discretion, grant or deny permission for classroom visits and determine the duration of time.
    • Students should  not  bring  student  visitors  to  school.
    • Parents  and visitors should make an appointment to see a teacher, the principal, the counselors, or to visit their children's classes.


    • No students or unauthorized visitors may remain on the school campus after regular school hours without supervision.

  • Toys

    Toys are not permitted at school. Please check your child's backpack to make sure they are not accidentally brought to school. Items brought to school will be confiscated. Parents may schedule an appointment with the teacher or grade level administrator to arrange for the return of the confiscated item.

  • Grading Procedures

    APTT night is scheduled in August. At this time, the teachers will explain specific grading policies and procedures. Progress reports are sent home at the end of the first nine weeks and then every  four and half weeks for the entire year. Conferences are held during the Early Release session, which is in October and February. Parents who attend APPTT in August do not need to attend the October conference unless the student is performing below grade level or the parent requests a conference. Other conferences may be scheduled by contacting the classroom teacher.          Parents should also sign up for the Parent Portal to have more frequent access to student information. Ask your child's teacher for registration information.

  • School Counselors

    At Nesbit, we have three professional school counselors. These counselors work with all children at every grade level. Counselors support the academic environment by providing classroom lessons in areas such as problem solving, study skills, decision-making, and drug awareness. Our school counselors also work with students in small groups as well as individually at the request of the student, parent, and/or teacher. Counselors are available for consultation to all Nesbit parents on topics such as family changes, academic achievement, and social issues.

  • Gifted and Talented Education

    The Gwinnett County Public Schools gifted education program serves students in grades K - 12 by providing academic challenges for those who are intellectually advanced. The gifted program is called Gifted and Talented Education at the elementary level, PROBE at the middle grades and Gifted Program at the high school level. Referrals to the local school's gifted referral committee can be made by a student's guardian, teacher, or any other adult who has knowledge of a student's intellectual abilities

    Students are identified and placed in gifted education based on criteria established by the Georgia General Assembly and the Georgia State Board of Education Students who transfer from gifted education programs within the state of Georgia have reciprocity into the Gwinnett program providing the original placement was correctly completed.

    Students who transfer from out-of-state must meet Georgia requirements. Parents should notify the school when registering their child that he/she was identified as a gifted education student in his/her previous school.

  • Dress Code

    Students are expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate for school. This includes:

    • Shoes must be worn at all times. Flip flops and crocs are not allowed.
    • Tennis shoes should be worn for PE.  Students not wearing tennis shoes may have activities limited for safety.
    • Belts must be worn to prevent pants from hanging below the hips.
    • No bare midriffs, halter-tops, tank tops, spaghetti strap shirts, fishnet sports jerseys, spandex pants, tube tops, baggy pants, bandannas, or short shorts are permitted.
    • No cleats are allowed on the soccer fields
    • No clothing with offensive language, pictures, or alcohol and drug advertisements is allowed.
    • Hats (for boys and girls), sunglasses, visors, bandannas, etc. are not to be worn unless designated for a specific day. No hoodies are to be worn in the building.

    No large jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, chains, rings or bracelets that distract from the educational process.

  • Cell Phones

    Cell phones and other communication can be brought to school if they have been registered with our Nesbit ITIS or the child’s teacher for BYOD (bring your own device). Students should only use the devices when instructed by their teacher and for educational use only. The school has no liability if such devices are lost, damaged, or stolen. If the device is used inappropriately or during times that are not permitted, it will be confiscated and a parent or guardian must come to the school to retrieve it.

  • Closing of School Due to Weather

    If bad weather causes the delay or closing of school, it will be announced on the radio on station WSB 750 AM as well as on television, station WSB Channel 2. Please do not call the school. These stations will have the most up to date information.

  • Friday Folders

    Each Friday, every student at Nesbit takes home a Friday Folder. This folder will be of great value to you as a parent. Located inside the folder will be graded papers completed by your child, social letters, and announcements of upcoming events. Please review the contents of the Friday Folder, sign designated items, and return the folder to school each Monday.

  • Textbooks and Library Books

    Students are responsible for textbooks issued to them at Nesbit. If books are lost or damaged during the school year, payment to replace the book must be arranged. Students are expected to return all books in good shape at the end of the year or upon withdrawal. Students are also responsible for any books or materials checked out from the Media Center or bookroom. Failure to return or pay for damaged or lost books will result in the student's report card not being released.

  • Tornado/Fire Drills

    Every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of your child during normal school hours. Periodic fire and tornado drills are executed to make certain students learn proper safety procedures and adhere to all safety guidelines.

  • Acceptable Use of Instructional Technology

    The Board recognizes that electronic media, including the Internet, provides access to a wide variety of instructional resources in an effort to enhance educational opportunities. Use of electronic resources must be in support of, and consistent with the vision, mission, and goals established by the Board and for the purpose of AKS instructional support.

    All users of the district wide area network and/or other electronic informational services must maintain strict compliance with all applicable ethical and legal rules and regulations regarding access.

    Strict compliance with all applicable ethical and legal rules and regulations must be maintained by all users of the wide area network and/or other electronic informational services including electronic mail (e-mail).Users must respect intellectual property rights and understand that school system data accessible over the network constitutes property. All electronic, telephonic, and communications transmitted by, received from, or stored in these systems are property of the Gwinnett County Public Schools.

    Users of such systems should have no expectation of privacy. Student e-mail use for legitimate educational purposes will be subject to monitoring and review, including review of text and attachments that are related to that student or students. At NO TIME should a student consider GCPS e-mail private or confidential in any way.

    It is important to note that with a global network it is impossible to control or predict all materials a user may accidentally or purposefully discover on an electronic resource. Gwinnett County Public School personnel will make every effort to educate and guide all users in the proper use of electronic media, including the Internet. Because access to the Internet provides connections to other computer systems located all over the world, users (and parents of users) must understand that neither the Gwinnett County Public Schools nor any district staff member controls the content of the information available on these other systems. Some of the information available is controversial and sometimes may be offensive. Gwinnett County Public Schools DOES NOT CONDONE the use of such materials. Therefore, it is imperative that the user be held accountable for the appropriate utilization of technology.


    Inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of these privileges as well as possible assignment of disciplinary action consistent with the policies and procedures of Gwinnett County Public Schools. The definition of GCPS information and data resources will include any computer, server or network, or access provided or supported by GCPS, including the Internet. Use of the computer facilities includes the use of data/programs stored on GCPS computing systems, data/programs stored on magnetic tape, floppy disk, jump drives, CD-ROM's, DVD-ROM's, computer peripherals, or other storage media, that is owned and maintained by the GCPS. The "user" of the system is the student using GCPS technology.

    The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that all GCPS technology users share the GCPS technology resources in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner.

    GCPS technology should be used for legitimate educational reasons only, and not for personal use. Access is a privilege, not a right, and all students are expected to treat this learning tool with respect.

    GCPS technology and electronic resources must not be used to: Harm other people. Interfere with other people's work. Use a computer to steal property. Gain unauthorized access to other people's files or programs. Gain unauthorized access to on-line resources by using someone else's password. Make changes to the hardware or software configuration of any machine, including installing or deleting any software.

    GCPS technology and electronic resources must not be used to: Improperly use the network, including introducing software viruses and/or bypassing local school or office security policies. Steal or damage data and/or computers and network equipment. Access, upload, download, and distribute pornographic, hate-oriented, profane, obscene, or sexually explicit material.

    Failure to follow these guidelines can violate the Official Code of Georgia, OCGA, Codes 16-9-90, 16-9-91, 16-9-92, and I 6-9-93, as well as United States Public Law 106-554, known as the Children's Internet Protection Act. Such actions can also lead to disciplinary actions, up to and including loss of access to GCPS technology resources and further disciplinary actions as defined by existing GCPS policies. Finally, please note that GCPS technology use is subject to auditing for legitimate purposes, as well as live monitoring where appropriate.

  • Safe Schools Policy

    It is the policy of the Gwinnett County Board of Education to ensure the highest possible standards of learning as well as the safety, health, and well-being of its students and employees.

  • School Wide Discipline Expectations

    It is our goal at Nesbit Elementary to create a safe, positive, and supportive educational environment. It is the responsibility of each student to follow rules that support and help maintain an appropriate school climate. Nesbit has three schoolwide rules, called the 3 R's:

    1. Be Respectful
    2. Be Responsible
    3. Be Ready

    The school wide discipline plan at Nesbit aims to create an orderly and safe atmosphere conducive to teaching and learning. An orderly atmosphere is one in which students, school staff, and parents work cooperatively toward identified and acceptable goals.

    GOAL 1: Students, school staff and parents will communicate respectfully with one another.

    • Students will know through verbal and written communication the behavioral standards established at Nesbit Elementary.
    • School staff will deliver clear expectations in an informative and nonjudgmental manner.
    • Parents will support the disciplinary procedures of Nesbit Elementary by being informed and involved. Involvement will include: providing current information concerning address and phone numbers; conferencing with teachers as necessary; and following through with agreed upon action plans.

    GOAL 2:    Appropriate behavior will be taught, modeled, and expected of all students, staff and parents.

    • Students will learn about cooperative behaviors, communication skills, problem solving, and healthy life cycles.
    • Staff will learn about developing a cooperative atmosphere. Effective leadership skills and remediation strategies will be used to maximize learning time.
    • Parents will be given an opportunity to participate in their child's education. Parenting workshops and study groups will be offered to support parent involvement in the educational program.

    GOAL 3: Behavior will be remediated through the use of logical consequences and encouragement.

    • Students will have the opportunity to correct misbehaviors through the use of logical consequences, coaching and guided practice.
    • Counselors, administrators, and parents will support staff in the use of remediation strategies.
    • Parents will attend conferences and learning opportunities provided by the Nesbit Staff.

    GOAL 4: Gwinnett County's Student Conduct Code will be enforced by Nesbit Staff, followed by students and supported by Parents.

  • Elementary Behavior Code

    Gwinnett County has thirteen rules in the Elementary Behavior Code. Consequences do apply for violation of these rules. The following rules apply when a student is:

      1. on school grounds,
      2. off school grounds at a school activity, function, or event,
      3. in route to and from school, or,
      4. off the school grounds while the student is in attendance of any school function, or are otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of school authorities.

    Rule 1. Disruption and Interference with school (teaching and learning) - Students will not interrupt functioning of the school or classroom.

    Rule 2. Damage, Destruction, or Misuse of School Property or Equipment -Students will not damage, attempt to damage or take or attempt to take the property of school.

    Rule 3. Damage, Destruction, or Misuse of   Property (damage, steal) - Students will not damage, attempt to damage or take or attempt to take the personal property of others.

    Rule 4. Abuse, Threats, Intimidation, Assault, or Battery on a School Employee (verbal or physical)

    -Students will not hit, kick, or bite or use disrespectful language with staff (administrators, teachers, bus drivers, etc.)

    Rule 5. Abuse, Threats, Intimidation, Assault, or Battery by a Student on Another Student or on any

    Person NOT employed by the School - Students will not hit, kick, or bite or use disrespectful language with other students.

    Rule 6. Weapons, Dangerous Instruments, and Explosive/Implosive Devices - Students will not possess or use weapons, whether assembled or disassembled (guns, knives, firecrackers, etc.), whether toy, operational or not operational if a person could reasonably perceive the object to be a weapon or if the object is a destructive

    Rule 7. Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco -Students will not possess, use, or distribute alcohol or drugs or any substances they represent to be alcohol or drugs.

    Rule 8. Disregard of Directions or Commands -Students will not disobey directions or commands of teachers, principals, bus drivers, etc.

    Rule 9.Sexual Misconduct/Indecency (sexual harassment or gestures) - Students will not touch himself, herself, or others inappropriately including private areas of the body.

    Rule 10. Unexcused Absences During Required School Activity or Function -Students will not miss school or class without an excused absence.

    Rule 11. Other Conduct That is Subversive to Good Order -Students will not exhibit unsafe and or/inappropriate conduct at any time.

    Rule 12. Repeated Violations/Misbehavior/Chronic Disciplinary Problem - Severe or repeated violations of school rules may result in a parental conference and /or discipline review committee meeting.

    Rule  13. School Bus Infractions -Students will follow all of the rules associated with riding the bus.

  • Consequences of Student Misconduct

    Local school administrators may determine specific consequences for student misconduct at the local school. The range of consequences that can be assigned by a local school administrator may include without limitation: student conference, parent conference, time-out or intervention room, before or after school detention, In-school Suspension, Saturday School, Out-of-School Suspension or expulsion, and any other lawful consequence the Disciplinary Panel may deem appropriate for the misconduct, and depending on the severity or the offense, Safety and Security may be contacted for referral to law enforcement officials.

  • School Bus Safety Guidelines and Safety Procedures

    Students annually receive instruction in safe riding procedures. Bus drivers read the Bus Guidelines and Safety Procedures beginning the first day of school, with monthly reviews to enhance the safety of children being transported.

  • School Bus Safety Guidelines

    Students will follow directions of the driver.

    Students should be at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus arrives, waiting in a safe place, clear of traffic and 10 feet from where the bus stops.

    Students will wait in an orderly line and avoid playing.

    Students will cross the roadway in front of the bus after the bus has stopped, they have looked at the driver for a hand signal, and they have looked in both directions for traffic; left, right, left.

    Students will signal the driver with a waving motion if something is dropped and wait for the driver to give a signal before picking up object.

    Students will go directly to the assigned seat when entering the bus - please keep the aisles and exits clear.

    Students will remain properly seated, back against the back of the seat, bottom against the bottom of the seat, and keep hands to themselves.

    Students will not eat, drink, chew gum, or bring tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any controlled substances on the bus.

    Students will not carry animals, glass objects, nuisance items, hazardous materials, or weapons onto the bus. Students may carry only objects that can be held in their laps.

    Students will refrain from using loud voices, profanity, and/or obscene gestures, and respect the rights and safety of others.

    Students will not extend their heads, arms, or objects out of the bus windows.

    Students will be totally silent at railroad crossings.

    Students will stay seated until time to get off the bus. The open door is the signal to get up from the bus seat.

    Students must provide a written note, signed by a parent/guardian and a school official who will provide a bus pass giving permission to ride a different bus or to get on or off at a different bus stop location. In the event of an emergency, a bus pass will be issued by a school official only.

    Students will keep their bus clean and in good, safe condition.

    Students shall be prohibited from using any electronic devices during the operation of a school bus, including but not limited to cell phones, pagers, radios, tape or compact disc players; or any other electronic device in a manner that might interfere with the school bus communication equipment or the school bus driver's operation of the school bus.

    Students shall be prohibited from using mirrors, lasers, flash cameras, or any other lights or reflective devices in a manner that might interfere with the school bus driver's operation of the school bus.

  • School Bus Safety Procedures

    Be at the bus stop five minutes before scheduled pick up time.

    Wait quietly on the side of the roadway where you live.

    Stand back from moving traffic.

    Cross only in front of the bus. Never get close enough to touch any part of the bus.

    Wait for a hand signal from the driver before you cross the roadway.

    Look in both directions for traffic. Left, right, and then left again.

    Look at your driver; if you can see the driver then the driver can see you.

    Signal the driver with a waving motion if you drop something; wait for the driver to get up from your seat, unless the drivers tells you differently.

    Use the handrail as you move up and down the stairs

    Sit the safe way, back against the back of the seat, bottom against the bottom of the seat.

    Stay seated until time to get off the bus. The open bus door is your signal to get up from your seat, unless the driver tells you differently.

    Talk in a quiet voice. Do not distract the driver at any time. It could cause an accident.

    Be totally silent at railroad crossings.

    To ride a different bus or get off of the bus at a different stop, you must give the bus driver a signed permission note before leaving school grounds. A parent or guardian and a school official must sign this note.