• In partnership with the Gwinnett County Public Library (GCPL), GCPS provides Tutor.com as an online tutoring resource for students. Live tutoring support is available daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. In addition, students can receive “drop-off support,” 24-7, by uploading a document for tutor feedback that will be reviewed and returned at a later time. 

    Tutor.com Resources

     Accessing Tutor.com

    1. Go to https://www.gwinnettpl.org/
    2. Scroll down and click on the image for Tutor.com
    3. Scroll down and click “Access Tutor.com”.
    4. Log in one of three ways
      • Use your Gwinnett County Public Library Card.

      • Use your Branch Out information (an existing partnership between GCPS and GCPL) to log in using your Student ID as your Barcode/Username and your birthdate (MMDD) as the Password. (Example: If your birthdate is February 14, your password is 0214.) 

      • Need a library account? Click here to request a library account through the Branch Out program.

    1. Enter your student ID as the Barcode and your birthday (MMDD) as the password.

    2. Click “Submit.”

    Questions?  Click below to watch a short “How to Use Tutor.com” video or click here to review the "How It Works" flyer