- Beaver Ridge ES
- Overview
In partnership with the Gwinnett County Public Library (GCPL), GCPS provides Tutor.com as an online tutoring resource for students. Live tutoring support is available daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. In addition, students can receive “drop-off support,” 24-7, by uploading a document for tutor feedback that will be reviewed and returned at a later time.
Tutor.com Resources
- How It Works: Tutor.com
- Tutor.com Study Skills Coaching
- Los 10 Datos Principales para los padres sobre Tutor.com
Accessing Tutor.com
- Go to https://www.gwinnettpl.org/
- Scroll down and click on the image for Tutor.com
- Scroll down and click “Access Tutor.com”.
- Log in one of three ways
Use your Gwinnett County Public Library Card.
Use your Branch Out information (an existing partnership between GCPS and GCPL) to log in using your Student ID as your Barcode/Username and your birthdate (MMDD) as the Password. (Example: If your birthdate is February 14, your password is 0214.)
Need a library account? Click here to request a library account through the Branch Out program.
Enter your student ID as the Barcode and your birthday (MMDD) as the password.
Click “Submit.”
Questions? Click below to watch a short “How to Use Tutor.com” video or click here to review the "How It Works" flyer