• Media Center Policies


  • Hours

    The Media Center is open to students daily. 

    Monday - Friday: 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

  • Student Self-Checkout

    • The media center is open daily for student book checkout.

    • WGES Students are responsible for checking their books in and out themselves. They must enter their own student number and scan the books to check out.

    • Students in Kindergarten and First grade are allowed 1 book for checkout (First Grade students may check out 2 books starting in January).

    • Students in 2nd Grade are allowed 2 books for checkout.
    • Students in Grades 3-5 are allowed 3 books for checkout.

    • Students may borrow books for 2 weeks and are able to renew books for an additional 2 weeks, if needed.

  • Lost/Damaged Books

    Lost book or damaged books will incur a fine.

    Paperback or softcover books are $5

    Hardback books are $15

    Fines may be paid in cash, check made out to Walnut Grove ES, or online through mypaymentplus.com 

    Lost books that are found and returned in good condition will result in a refund. Please allow up to 2 weeks to process a refund.

  • Media Center Notices

    In an effort to save paper and reach parents, the Media Center has chosen to email over due notices every week. Please note that your child will only be charged for a book if it is lost or damaged beyond repair. Because the email goes out electronically at the same time every week, your child might not have had their library time and their books would then be overdue.

    It is not necessary to email Mrs. Bross (Amy.Bross@gcpsk12.org)unless there is an additional concern.

    So far, this has been a successful process. However, we do not have many emails that are correct or on file. Please notify the school of your current email in order to receive these messages. Thank you!

eagle mural in media center