Lanier High School Crest Image

Lanier High School Crest

  • At Lanier High School, our School Crest Committee had the golden opportunity to unite the history of Sugar Hill with the modern day culture of our world. Without a doubt, this remarkable adventure has been an uplifting experience for all of the student leaders and administrative staff involved in this process.  

    When viewing the school crest, it is important to understand the characteristics that are displayed on the design. 

    First, understand that Knowledge is Power, and the book represented on our crest symbolizes Lanier’s commitment to rigor in all of the fields of education, and we understand that by placing a key on top of the book shows the world that we believe knowledge is the key to our success. 

    The Torch is a symbol of leadership and the journey all of our students will encounter during their travels to excellence. However, with joining hands, we believe in shared leadership decision making, and it is ultimately our responsibility to make the world we live in a better place. 

    The Winged–Foot with Olympic Rings symbolizes our commitment to developing all-around students at Lanier High School, specifically in the field of athletics, clubs, and organizations.

    The Arts are represented with the symbol of a brush, mask, and music note, and this masks our efforts to capture the minds and souls of all students and allow students to showcase their many talents and skills.

    The Orbital Nucleus symbolizes Lanier’s commitment to advancing technology through our curriculum and our efforts to expose all students to a world class education.

    Last, all of the railroads tracks lead to the center of the globe symbolizing the many ethnicities and cultures that make up the city of Sugar Hill, but as our students venture out into the world, it is our belief that every student carries a world class education with them. 

    All being said, Lanier High School’s crest embraces our school’s motto that empowers all students to learn, lead, and succeed.