• Click on the link below to view all the toolkits for families of students with special needs. 

    Toolkit for Families



    Georgia Special Scholarship (SB10/SB47)

    • Under a state law passed by the Georgia State Legislature, parents of students who receive special education services may request to transfer their child to another public or private school in Georgia provided that their child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a Section 504 Plan and has been enrolled for a full academic year in a Georgia public school.


      Click on the link below to view more information regarding the Georiga Special Scholarship

      Georgia Special Scholarship


Upcoming Event

Special Education Contact

  • Mrs. Boyett - Assistant Principal

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

    Email:  Amanda Boyett, Special Education AP  
    Ph# 770-554-7851

    Appointments are available upon request.